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叩击肩胛部和两侧上背部。Percuss shoulders and upper back on both sides.

轻轻叩击萤幕上的一张图片,就会看到一些事情发生。Tap a picture on the screen and something happens.

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黎明时分,我们起身叩击城门。And at dawn we rose and knocked at the gate of the city.

仿佛有人在轻轻叩击,轻轻叩击我的房门。As of some one gently rapping , rapping at my chamber door.

你来敲门又那么轻,轻轻叩击我的房门。And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door.

主要手法以挤压为主,亦用按摩和叩击手法。The main way to the main squeeze, also used massage and Kouji practices.

他的话叩击着她的同情的心弦,使她想到她自己的处境。He was striking a chord now which found sympathetic response in her own situation.

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将听筒在桌子上轻轻叩击,碳粒将松散开来,工作得更好一些。Tap it lightly on your desk and the carbon granules will line up and it will work much better.

如果这是大自然奉上的一份佳肴,给这份宁静加点作料吧,或是因为啄木鸟的叩击声而兴奋起来吧。Savour the silence, if that's what nature serves up, or thrill to the tap-tap of the woodpecker.

当以太网卡第一次叩击市场的时候,每个要花上千美元。When Ethernet interfaces for computers first hit the market, they often cost thousand of dollars each.

我们每个人,一生都在叩击幸福之门,都在寻找那份属于自己的幸福。Every one of us, in all his life down the door of happiness, looking for that belongs to own happiness.

神田对嘴唇传来的触感感到满意,同时伸出舌头在亚连柔软的嘴唇上轻轻叩击。Satisfied with the excellent touch, Kanda stuck out his tongue and knocked at Allen 's soft lips tenderly.

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每日三餐前坚持全身放松,口唇轻闭,然后上下齿有节律地悄悄叩击。Daily before meals to relax the body, lips close, then the upper and lower teeth have quietly tapping rhythm.

脉冲的变化会引起羊水波动,听起来就像很响的叩击声。The rapid switching on-and-off of these pulses can cause waves in the fluid which sound like a high-pitch tapping.

她曾说过,她轻轻叩击语言,以便聆听它隐匿的意识形态,颇像一个医生用听诊器查探病因。She has said that she taps at language to hear its hidden ideologies, much as a doctor will tap on a patient's chest.

我的每次叩击都不会有滞后反应,给人一种真正在操作物件的感觉。It tracks my taps and swipes without any noticeable lag, lending to the feeling that you’re actually manipulating an object.

这对姐妹,利用一种拙劣的降神会,向灵魂问问题,而灵魂会利用神秘的敲击声或叩击来回答。The sisters, in a sort of crude seance, would ask questions of the spirit, who would answer back with mysterious knocks or raps.

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怦然心动的涛声曾无数次叩击人们的心房,点燃人生憧憬的理想,伴不甘寂寞的人远航。The relentless waves roar in the hearts of those adventurers who, in the pursuit of their dreams, rejecting loneliness, sailed faraway.

管风琴又吼出滚滚巨雷,激越的轰鸣把空气化成音乐,翻腾向前,叩击人们的心灵。Again the pealing organ heaves its thrilling thunders, compressing air into music, and rolling it forth upon the soul. What long-drawn cadences!

她踏出的每一步都像直接叩击在琴键上,一步一步衔接得恰当好处,奏出不急不缓的音乐,清脆动听。Her every step like direct tapping the keyboard, step-by-step interface appropriate benefits, playing is not anxious not to the music, clear and beautiful.