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文火熬出麦芽糖。A soft fire make sweet malt.

到底哪种才是麦芽糖的味道。In the end what is the taste of maltose.

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关火,加入,麦芽糖。Switch off the fire and add the maltose.

麦芽糖使小孩的脾气变得甜甜的。Barley-sugar makes chilren sweet-tempered.

最后,加入麦芽糖,翻炒混合均匀。Lastly, stir in maltose and stir well to blend.

麦芽糖可用于生产婴儿的食品和麦牙乳。Maltose is used in infant foods and in malted milk.

烂铁罐、生胶鞋、废物不卖,麦芽糖、甜夹香、何需花钱买。Savory Maltose sandwich biscuits needed no money to buy!

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葡萄糖转苷酶是低聚异麦芽糖生产的关键酶制剂。It is the key enzyme for yielding iso-maltooligosaccharide.

葡萄糖和麦芽糖间呈现极显著性差异。There are a very marked differences of glucose with maltose.

把鸡肉摊平固定,扫上麦芽糖,在通风处吊乾两小时。Fix the chicken on a flat sieve, hang in dry area for 2 hours.

干燥的麦芽糖醇晶体是很易吸潮和溶解的。Maltitol in dry form is extremely hygroscopic and deliquescent.

先把沙子放入大铁锅中和麦芽糖一起翻炒。Put sand in an iron cauldron and fry it with maltose on a fire.

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对嗜热链球菌进行葡萄糖、麦芽糖和蔗糖的发酵试验。Thermophilus carbohydrate fermentation, and glucose is used for S.

你可以吃一些麦芽糖做的窗户,它尝起来太美味了。and you can eat some of the barley-sugar window, it tastes so nice.

焖约三十分钟后盛起,于鸡身涂麦芽糖。Stew the chicken for 30 minutes. Remove and brush it with malt sugar.

建立了HPLC法测定麦芽糖注射液的含量。HPLC method was established for the determination of maltose injection.

以麦芽糖醇和脂肪酰氯为主要原料合成麦芽糖醇脂肪酸酯。Maltitol fatty acid ester was prepared with maltitol and fatty acyl chloride.

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转移葡萄糖苷酶是生产低聚异麦芽糖的关键酶。Alpha-transglucosidase is a critical enzyme of producing isomaltooligosaccharide.

糊精是妨碍麦芽糖结晶和晶浆过滤的主要因素。Maltodextrin is a main negative factor to the crystallization process of maltose.

麦芽糖可由淀粉水解获得,是双糖的一个例子。Maltose which can be obtained by hydrolysis of starch is an example of a disaccharide.