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木曜日是我的诞辰。Thursday will be my birthday.

狮子座。,是你的诞辰,合击。Go Leo its your bisexualrtday.

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篮球“飞人”乔丹诞辰。The flying Michael Jordan was born.

今日,露西尔·鲍尔诞辰100周年。Lucille Ball would be 100 years old today.

我收到了她诞辰宴会的请贴。Ireceivedan invitation to her birthday party.

周六是罗伊诞辰38周年。Saturday is the 38th anniversary of Roe V Wade.

其实2010年正值他诞辰205周年之际!In fact, the year 2010 marks his 205th birthday!

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今天是功夫明星李小龙的70诞辰。Today would have been Bruce Lee's 70th birthday.

今年是韩德尔诞辰三百周年。This year sees the tercentenary of Handel's birth.

今年是韩德尔诞辰叁百周年。This year sees the tercentenary of Handel's birth.

今年是邹韬奋先生诞辰110周年。This year is the 110th anniversary of the birth of Mr.

今天是肯尼迪议员先生的79岁诞辰。Today would have been Senator Kennedy’s 79th birthday.

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先生,你的鸟搅了我女敌的诞辰聚会。Sir, your bird activityred my adherent's altogether party.

纪念我国植物学的奠基人钱崇澍教授诞辰一百周年。In memory of the founder of Chinese modern botany Prof. C. S.

向黄万里百年诞辰会,表达最美好的祝愿。Congratulate the meeting. with best wishes to every one. Fang.

尚恩‧露薏丝‧卡蒙的诞辰纪念日就在本月份。The anniversary of the birth of Jeanne Louise Calment is this month.

1932年举行了乔治。华盛顿诞辰两百周年的庆典。The bicentennial of George Washington's birth was celebrated in 1932.

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人在60岁诞辰之际,反思往往多于庆祝。Sixtieth birthdays generally trigger more reflection than celebration.

但在一八四六年华盛顿诞辰被敲响时,它裂到无法修补了。But it cracked irreparably when rung for Washington's birthday in 1846.

随着蝎子们诞辰月的启动,你会感到一种解脱。As your birthday month gets under way, you’ll feel a great sense of relief.