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常州市民力轴承有限公司、常州市民力工具制造有限公司欢迎您!Wel to Changzhou Minli Bearing Co. , ltd. & Changzhou Minli Tools Manufacture co. , ltd.

王安石与宋神宗主要通过征调民力、调遣军队与招募饥民等途径来解决劳力问题。By means of conscripting labor, moving troops and recruiting famine refugee, the question of labor was settled.

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政治家们难得一个理由去展现他的亲民力,而现在机会来了。Politicians rarely need an excuse to shower grateful constituents with other people's money. Now they have a powerful one.

在抗战初期,曾有支差过多、浪费民力的现象,这个毛病很快就得到了克服。The early days of the war of resistance witnessed excessive assignments of corvee duties and wasting of manpower, but these were soon corrected.

民力资源利用和信息基础设施建设是军事医学战备建设的重要内容。Civilian resources utilization and information infrastructure construction will be the key components in building up preparedness of military medicine.

因为,希特勒的纳粹是军国主义主导,如今中国的改革开放,相对而言,则是人性与民力的释放。The theme of Hitler's Nazism was militarism. The theme of China's reform and liberalization, by contrast, is humanity and the unleashing of human creativity.

变法是发展自由主义经济的基础,提高民力、民智、民德,是发展自由主义经济的途径。Political reform provides the bases for raising the level of the people's power, wisdom and mores, and constitutes an effective approach to develop liberalist economy.

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此模式不仅可组合民力,优化专群防控合力,而且能促使社会全员良性互动,稳定农村秩序。This pattern can not only united citizen forces, optimize join and control forces, but also help the whole citizen effect each other positively, stabilize the countries order.

这些内容包括体察民情、了解民意、集中民智、珍惜民力、诚心诚意地为群众谋利益等。The contents include investigating mass condition, following the peoples will, collecting public wisdom, cherishing financial resources of the people and profiting the common people.

在刘备死后他为完成“先主之心愿”和他自己的“隆中对”的策略而不顾国力民力,六出祁山。After Liu Bei died he to complete "advocates the wish first" and he "prosperous right" the strategy not to attend to the national strength financial capacity of the people, six Mt. Qi.

受专门警务工作的局限、民众的畏警、远警心理及低下的安防意识、护法意识等因素的影响,直接以警力去整合、调动民力资源,提升社会治安群防群控水平,将是一个艰难、漫长的过程。It is hard to improve mass prevention and control directly by police force because of the police work limit, public fear of the police and lack of awareness of public order prevention.