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边缘最大化。Maximize the fringes.

右边缘之间的区域。Take a right-hand turn.

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把饺子皮边缘沾湿。Wet the edges of the skin.

他给她看了顶部边缘。He showed her the top edge.

这是一种边缘政策。It's a kind of brinkmanship.

那些锯齿的边缘都是酶。The jagged edges are enzymes.

全部肿瘤边缘呈分叶状。All the tumors were lobulated.

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洞穴边缘,朝露盈盈。And the brink of the dewy caves.

啊,愿我们的边缘再次相遇!Oh, might our marges meet again!

这个玻璃杯的边缘破掉了。The rim of the glass was broken.

边缘加劲,防止波纹。Edge stiffeners prevent waviness.

疯丫头是取消在自由边缘。Minx is lifting at the free edge.

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在那热狂的陡峭边缘。On the precipitous edge of fever.

牛排边缘炸焦了。The steak burned around the edges.

它总是艰难地在边缘徘徊。It's really rough around the edges.

这些条带的边缘是粗糙的。The edges of the stripes are rough.

石油供给几乎到了危机的边缘。The supply of oil has been strained.

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一毛硬币边缘轧有齿沟。English pound coins have milled edges.

她修边缘使之平齐。She evened the edges by trimming them.

那名大亨濒临破产的边缘。The biggie is on the edge of bankrupt.