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现在提前预订!Pre-order now!

不要过多预订。Don’t overbook.

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我能预订卧铺票吗?Can I book a sleeper?

此座位已被预订。This seat is engaged.

预订了。是六号桌。Yes. Our table is No. 6.

我们给您预订了。We have your reservation.

预订一架班机的座位。Reserve seats on a flight.

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我在XX已预订房间。I made a reservation in XX.

我预订的房间没有问题吧?Is everying ok with my room?

我的预订号码是1206。My reservation number is 1206.

我的预订号码是2991。My reservation number is 2991.

我在台北预订过的。I made a reservation in Taibei.

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我在台北已预订了房间。I made a reservation in Taipei.

我想预订一个标准间。I want to book a standard room.

我想在火车上预订一间套房。I'd like to reserve a roomette.

我们已经预订了机器。We have preordered the machine.

他们全部不预订的吗?。Are they all non-reserved seats?

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他们全数没有预订的吗?Are they all non-reserved seats?

你必须把预订资料整理一下。You have to assort booking data.

你能为我预订那一班飞机吗?Could you book me on that flight?