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物以类聚。Birds of a feather flock to gather.

物以类聚,人以群分“"Birds of a feather flock together?"

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物以类聚,各种生物都爱他的同类。Like attracts like , each creature loves his kind.

俗语说,物以类聚,人以群分.。As the saying goes, birds of feather flock together.

你常会看到一种物以类聚的模式。You’ll often see a pattern where like attracts like.

在宇宙中,有个规则叫物以类聚。In the cosmos, there is a law that like attracts like.

有句谚语叫“物以类聚人以群分”是个真理。The saying that "birds of a feather flock together is very true."

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要和陌生人建立融洽的人际关系的关键就是要明白“人以群分,物以类聚”。The key to establishing rapport with strangers is to learn how to become like them.

自从她体会到物以类聚,人以群分这个道理后,马拉开始参加互助小组。Marla started going to the support groups since it was easier to be around other human butt wipe.

物以类聚,人以群分,企业家喜欢和志同道合的人打交道。Entrepreneurs are drawn to other entrepreneurs. They enjoy rubbing shoulders with like minded people.

对友谊而言,物以类聚人以群分。要经常自我评估确定自己是个怎样的朋友。In friendship, like attracts like. Assess your behavior occasionally to determine what kind of friend you are.

你们可能听过一个成语,物以类聚,人以群分“,恋爱还真是这样。You've probably heard the phrase "Birds of a feather flock together" and that's true when it comes to romance.

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另外,一些在外面招摇撞骗、不守戒律的人,他们也是一丘之貉,物以类聚地各自形成一个小团体。Some disciples whom cheated around and broke commandants, they were birds of one feather and formed a small clique.

比如“物以类聚,人以群分”,意思是相似的人通常会成为朋友或者一起消磨时间。One example is "Birds of a feather flock together". This means that people who are alike often become friends or spend time together.

如果你相信“物以类聚,人以群分”,那么研究你所结交的朋友,看他们对自己有何了解?。If you believe that "birds of a feather flock together" what have you learned about yourself by studying the friends whom you attract?

举例来说,在哥斯达黎加,两种亲缘关系最近的蛱蝶翅膀颜色是白色或者黄色,它们会根据颜色的不同“物以类聚”,进行配对。For instance, in Costa Rica, the two most closely related species are white or yellow, which prefer to mate with those of their own color.

妳观察过吗“物以类聚,人以群分”?换句话说,性格相似的人总是会成为朋友,或者在一起做事情。Have you ever observed that birds of a feather flock together? In other words, people who are similar become friends or do things together.

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物以类聚嘛,由于我们的党派之争带来了我们的衰落,以至现在他们要接管我们,这应该是一个无法扭转的趋势。Birds of a feather stick together. While we are screwing around with partisan bickering they will take over. That has been the Commie agenda forever.

你现在当然已经知道“物以类聚”的含义,当你质疑为何有些事情总是发生在你的生活中,你可以追溯回去想想你自己的内心愿望。You surely know by now that "like attracts like" and when you question why certain things happen in your life, you may trace it back to your own desires.

尽管许多网站都在玩儿物以类聚的游戏,但他们大多数并不像可恶的混蛋这样无情和极度主观。Most dating websites are nothing like as harsh and judgmental as HatefulBastards, although fussy categorisation does seem to be the name of the game with many.