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我们决不会被反动派的气势汹汹所吓倒。We shall never be cowed by the bluster of reactionaries.

面试官在谈判中只是气势汹汹。The interviewer is just trying to get a leg up on you in negotiations.

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农庄主人们一个接一个的发表一段放连珠炮似的气势汹汹的讲话。One rancher after another delivered himself of a torrent of furious words.

当老板发现我偷懒时,气势汹汹地训斥了我一顿。When the boss found me goofing off, he came down on me like a ton of bricks.

我们的所作所为与共和党人气势汹汹的抨击形成了鲜明的对照。Our work presented a perfect contrast to the shrill attacks of the Republicans.

去年的希腊救助方案并未解决问题,如今已气势汹汹地卷土重来。Last year's Greek bailout didn't solve the problem and now it's back with a vengeance.

此时,贵宾犬眼睁睁看着豹子带着背上的猴子气势汹汹地过来,无奈地想。Now, the poodle sees the leopard coming with the monkey on his back andthinks, "What am I going to do now?"

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第二天早上,木槌一敲,梅森又来了。还是那么精神,那么顽强,那么气势汹汹。On the following morning at the sound of the gavel, there was mason, as fresh and vigorous and vicious as ever.

一位气势汹汹的律师要求一个证人回答问题时要么说“是”,要么说“否”。A browbeating lawyer was demanding that a witness answer a certain question either in the negative or affirmative.

但是在这整个时期,却也有别的回声在那街角气势汹汹地隆隆作响。But, there were other echoes, from a distance, that rumbled menacingly in the corner all through this space of time.

在公司派出一群气势汹汹,手持木棍,欲同市民打架的男人后,和平集会马上散了。The peaceful meeting ended when the company set out a group of angry men armed withs stick to fight with the citizen.

对印度来说,也没有什么值得庆祝的,因为在气势汹汹和张牙舞爪的外表下,是干旱贫瘠带来的伤痛和悲哀。And it should provoke no triumphalism in India, for behind the bluster and the bravado, there is arid pain and sadness.

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哈丽达尔蓦然上升,一连串碟形湮灭光弹气势汹汹,穿过了她片刻之前所在的位置。Halidarre rose abruptly just as a line of annihilation disks shrilled through the spot where she had been a moment before.

可海上的滚滚波涛却不依不饶、气势汹汹地翻得又陡又高,每个浪头都给小船的航行带来一次麻烦。These waves were most wrongfully and barbarously abrupt and tall, and each froth-top was a problem in small boat navigation.

他们两个人飞马驰进远处夜色中的时候,那些气势汹汹的狂欢者们才意识到发生了什么事情。The pair were speeding away into the distant gray by the time that the contentious revellers became aware of what had happened.

一个被加利福尼亚的西风吹得不见血色的柔弱女子哪是这个摩拳擦掌、气势汹汹的老混蛋的对手。A mite of a little woman with blood thinned by California zephyrs was hardly fair game for the red-fisted, short-breathed old duffer.

但西汉姆正气势汹汹,当迪恩?阿什顿为他们打入第二球后,我开始害怕我拿不到足总杯了。But Wset Ham were on fire, and when they scored again, through Dean Ashton, a fear kicked in that I was not going to get my hands on the FA Cup.

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从前哨基地和巡逻队集结了更多的因维双足兽,正沿着西侧的峡谷朝集中营行进,列队整齐气势汹汹直奔营救者而来。More Invid bipeds, rallying from outposts and patrols, headed for the camp by way of a canyon to the west, forming up to steamroll into the rescuers.

这是夏天最后的日子了,树木积满尘埃,萎蘼不振,花朵已经开始结子,昆虫则因为来日无长变得气势汹汹。It was the last, the very last days of summer, with dusty, drooping trees, and flowers going to seed, and flying insects fierce in their final throes.

唐正找到程家问程超群把程曦藏在哪了,超群气势汹汹的告诉唐正不会再让他拥有程曦,两个人打了起来。Tang Zheng find home ask cheng cheng supergroup hide Cheng Xi where, super aggressive tell Tang Zheng wont let him have Cheng Xi, two people to play up.