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法俄两国,成立协约国集团。France and Russia, establish the entente group.

其时,21艘协约国战舰正在港口停泊。Meanwhile, 21 allied warships sat in the harbour.

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事实上,协约国并没有打算把赔款之类的建议作为一种惩罚。In truth, the reparations, as the name suggests, were not intended as a punishment.

但是,波兰在协约国和梵蒂冈支持下的向东扩张并没有就此打住。But Poland's expansion East, supported by the Allies and the Vatican, didn't end there.

其一,联合国一开始是二战协约国的延展,甚至还采用了后者的名称。One, it began as an extension of the wartime alliance, even adopting the latter’s name.

协约国是指过去你曾在战争中打败过而现在站在你这边的国家。An ally is a nation which you beat in a war some time ago and which is now on your side.

这场战争对于协约国而言越来越糟糕,他们已经损失了大量的军队、金钱和物资。The war was going badly for them. It had been very costly in lives, money, and supplies.

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协约国所获得的这支新生力量将在击败德国时扮演极为重要的角色。The extra strength they gave the Allies would play a major part in helping defeat Germany.

就在昨天,似乎萨科齐和卡拉在伦敦开始了崭新的协约国友谊。And only yesterday, it seems, Sarko and Carla were in London launching the new entente amicale.

中国劳工们为协约国挖战壕、在码头和铁路工场苦干、在兵工厂劳作。They dug trenches, toiled in docks and railway yards or worked in arms factories for the allies.

1917年美国的参战打破了力量的平衡,使形势的发展有利于协约国。The United States' entry into the war in 1917 upset the balance of power in favour of the Entente.

协约国和同盟国在一战中展开了激烈的宣传战。There was a heated propaganda war between the Entente Countries and the Ally Countries during WWI.

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到1915年秋季,有些贸易和信贷的联系,使美国对协约国承担了义务。These were some of the ties of trade and credit that bound the united states to allies by the autumn of 1915.

在巴黎,英国代表团成员之一约翰•梅纳德•凯恩斯准确地认为,协约国应该一起忘却赔款。John Maynard Keynes, a member of the British delegation in Paris, rightly argued that the Allies should have forgotten about reparations altogether.

为什么十二年来所有协约国成员的物质和技术手段却撼不动一个人工培育的布尔什维克主义呢?Why has the material and technical apparatus of all the countries of the entents failed in twelve years to overthrow this artificially fostered bolshevism ?

协约国军方领导人说,他们大约只需要五十万美国军队即可,但美国决定组建更为庞大的军队规模。Allied military leaders said only about a half-million troops were needed from the United States. But American officials decided to build a much larger army.

在本文中,露茜.温斯坦利描述了一个不寻常的一战墓地,那里埋葬着加入协约国军队并参与对德皇作战的华工。Lucy Winstanley describes an unusual cemetery of the 1914-18 War, the burial place of Chinese workers who joined the Allied forces in the war against the Kaiser

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观察家说中国也不愿意过多干涉像北朝这样的协约国,因为它坚持不干涉别国内部事务的准则,北京在试图把北朝拉回到谈判桌上。China is also reluctant to lean heavily on allies like North Korea because it follows the principle of non-interference in other countries' internal affairs, analysts say.

1914年7月28日由于奥地利王储被暗杀而引发了一次世界大战,德国作为轴心国的中坚力量与协约国作战。The assassination of Austria"s crown prince triggered World War I on 28 July 1914, which saw Germany as part of the Central Powers in the conflict against the Allied Powers.

贝托尼•墨索里尼正在用他的纳粹主义的“钢铁协议”做着欺骗,当协约国称他为骗子,领袖上一年秋相当尴尬的放弃了,而且宣称“非交战状态”。Benito Mussolini was caught bluffing with his Nazi-Fascist "Pact of Steel, " and when the Allies called his bluff, II Duce rather awkwardly last fall backed down and declared "non-belligerency.