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蒸汽纯度对透平机的运行有较大影响。The steam purity has an effect on operation of turbine.

介绍了透平机转子的部件检验和强度分析,探讨了国产透平机的寿命评估。The life evaluation method for key components of 300 MW units boiler is introduced.

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研究一种对透平机械常见故障进行在线和定量识别的方法。A method of on-line and quantitatively diagnosing about turbomachinery faults is investigated.

文中叙述了油气加工厂中诸透平机械的数学模型。Mathematic models of turbomachines in oil and gas processing plant are presented in this paper.

这些参数的变化范围包括了透平机械圆锥扩压器的工作范围.The variation of these conditions represent the actual operation range of the conical diffuser.

介绍了透平机械与能源的关系、透平机械的技术发展动向及有关的实例。Turbomachines related to energy, trends of technology and their detail examples are introduced.

电一般是由燃气、汽或某种膨胀气体驱动透平机而产生的。Electricity is normally generated by turbines driven by combustion gas, steam or an expanding gas.

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对现代透平机械的密封技术研究进行了综述。The recent research and development of the sealing technology in modern turbomachinery is reviewed.

介绍了透平机转子的部件检验和强度分析,探讨了国产透平机的寿命评估。A preliminary investigation is carried out on the service life assessment of domestic flue gas turbine.

基于厘米级反击式微型透平机的透平气动马达,是项目组所提出的一类新型气动马达。The pneumatic turbine motor based on the centimeter-scale reaction turbine is a new type of pneumatic turbine motors.

透平机械中汽流激振力主要产生于各种形式的密封处,其对转子系统的稳定性有不良影响。Steam induced forces on labyrinth seal parts in turbomachinery have negative effects on the stability of rotor system.

PS304是应用于高速、高温无油透平机械的一种复合等离子喷涂固体润滑镀层。PS304 is a composite plasma spray solid lubricant coating used in high speed, high temperature Oil-Free Turbomachinery.

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在本文中还初步讨论了层流—湍流的转捩问题以及它在透平机械中的作用和地位。In this paper, the laminar-turbulent transition and the role of transition in turbomachinery are also preliminarily discussed.

较全面地分析了发展潜用反大型水面舰的鱼雷热动力系统透平机试验样机是可行的。The feasibility of developing the torpedo thermal power system turbine trial model to attack the large surface warship is analyzed.

对透平机械常用的叶轮的固有振动问题给出了一种试验与计算相结合求取其精确振动模态函数的方法。In this paper a heat-flow coupling mathematic modeling about cascade flowing field and blade temperature field in turbomachinery is built.

对滴形扰流柱对透平机械尾部换热及阻力的影响进行了实验研究,讨论了柱体形状及排列方式的影响。It has been experimentally investigated the effects of drop-shaped pin fins on heat transfer and pressure loss for the blade trailing of turbomachinery.

概述了小型透平机结构及输送氯气的原理。针对运行中出现的问题,提出了改进措施。The structures and transit principles of trubomachine were introduced. Measures about innovation were put forward according to the problems in operation.

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这套系统是通过调整平衡盘两侧的压力差来调整高速透平机械转子的残余轴向力。The system adjusts the residual axial force in rotors of a high speed turbomachines by changing the pressure difference between both sides of a balancing disk.

中国也逐渐的在清洁能源技术方面处于主导地位,清洁能源技术,包括百万美元的风力透平机都需要这类稀土。China also increasingly dominates the manufacture of clean energy technologies that require such minerals, including the production of million-dollar wind turbines.

主要用于燃气轮机、蒸汽透平机、空分设备、空压设备、发电机组等大型设备的噪声治理。The sound reduction hood is mainly used in gas turbine, steam turbine, air separation plant, air compressor, generator set and other large-scale equipment for noise control.