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您是无名英雄,又是教坛名师。You are unsung heroes, is the world famous.

住在隔壁的那个人是个名师。The man who lives next door is a famous teacher.

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国外的名师作品让我眼前一亮。The paintings by masters from abroad blows my mind.

睿智的名师精湛的教艺力助中小学朋友迈向新的学习巅峰!Wise skilled teachers will promote you to a new peak!

他把时间都投入到教学中,成了一位名师。He spent his time in teaching and became a famous teacher.

名师就是大家公认的好教师。The famous teachers are universally-accepted good teachers.

这叫名师出高徒。谢谢潘老师。An accomplished teacher has skilled students. Thank you, Ms. Pan.

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无名师脸现微笑。“这里就是,”他说,“真知的开始。”Master Foo smiled. "Here", he said, "is the beginning of wisdom".

您参加过名师工作室一类的提高专业水平的培训班班吗?请描述一下。Have you ever attended any improvement programs? Please describe them.

这位名师的收入也减少到几近于零。The income of the world famous teacher dwindled down to almost nothing.

民间草医,年青时拜许多名师,行医70多年。He is a Chinese medical practitioner with 70 years of working experiences.

通过名师的授课视频,学生们着实收获良多。Students can get a lot from a video of a lecture given by a great teacher.

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人们都说“名师出高徒”,我独不以为然。People all say "The famous master has no greats students", I only disagree.

所为名师出高徒,好教师当然会教出好学生。The famous teacher, appntice, good teachers course will teach the students.

所为名师出高徒,好的教师当然会教出好的学生。The famous teacher, apprentice, good teachers course will teach the students.

请参加入会仪式的精英名师名厨自带厨师服、厨师帽、白手套、白围裙、厨师领巾。Celebrity Chefs please bring with your chef uniform, hat, glove, apron and cravat.

你们的母亲应该每年春天带你们上城里来投投名师才对。Your mother should have taken you to town every spring for the benefit of masters.

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张昂承认,和许多同龄人一样,对名师演讲有崇拜情结。Like many of her peers, Zhang admitted that she had a thing about celebrity lectures.

名师的成长需要具备一定的内在条件和外在条件。The growth of famous teachers needs certain inherent conditions and outside conditions.

在其他家庭里,祖父母或是专业的取名师会给小孩取名字。In other families, grandparents or professional name-makers come up with a child's name.