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劳资软件不能用?。Labor-management software can not?

劳资教育课程之规划设计。Design classes for the Labor-Management education.

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劳资双方相互试探对方。Both labour and management were putting out feelers.

劳资博弈分短期博弈和长期博弈。The game contents short-term game and long-term game.

但是他们反对对限制劳资双方谈判的努力。But they oppose efforts to limit collective bargaining.

他们被卷入了劳资纠纷。They were tangled in the labour-management controversy.

由于"劳资"双方在球员限薪问题上分歧依旧,未达成共识,美国全国冰球联盟宣布取消2004-2005年赛季的全部比赛。National Hockey League cancels its 2004 and 2005 season.

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他们通过调停解决了劳资纠纷。They mediated a settlement between labour and management.

劳资双方有望在两周后重新进行谈判。Negotiations are expected to resume over the next two weeks.

在这次劳资纠纷中几乎没有绝对的好人与坏人。There are few goodies and baddies in this industrial dispute.

谈判者充当劳资双方的联络人。The negotiator acted as liaison between labour and management.

我们评估认为那里的劳资做法相当残酷。Our assessment is that there are pretty atrocious labor practices.

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各尽所能、各得其所、和谐相处“是对劳资关系性质的重新定位。It is the re-orientation for the character of labor-capital relations.

劳资关系是新民主主义经济的重要关系之一。Labor and Capital relation is crucial in China's new-democratic economy.

劳资审裁处审理有关雇佣合约的申索。The Labour Tribunal handles claims arising from contracts of employment.

但鉴于该公司劳资关系记录不佳,人们须有所怀疑。But given the company's history of poor labor relations, one must wonder.

劳资双方经谈判达成再次增加工资的协议。The two parties of labour and capital have bargained a new wage increase.

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他们将在以劳资双方进行的谈判中竞争,老板VS球员。They’ll be competing in collective bargaining talks, owner versus player.

劳资审裁处审理与雇佣合约有关的民事申索。The Labour Tribunal hears civil claims arising from contracts of employment.

新赌管理彰惩潍劳资关系确定了基本的原则。The new code of conduct lays down ground rules for management-union relations.