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我们期待一场白热化的搏杀,但是,我们并没如愿以偿。We all wanted a heated, spirited game, and we didn't really get one.

这些骑兵装备长矛、狼牙棒和盾牌,近身搏杀极为骁勇,令敌军丧胆。These men are equipped for close fighting with spears, maces and shields.

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海地毁灭性地震传到他的耳里,他还在澳网中搏杀。When he heard about the devastating earthquake in Haiti, he was at the Australian Open.

英雄搏杀巨龙,营救被囚禁在某个象牙塔里的贞节女子。Heroes slay dragons and save the maiden from being a vestal virgin locked away in some ivory tower.

经过一番殊死的搏杀,小岛和那三名日军官都成了岚么她们的刀下之鬼。After a bruising fight, islands and that three days of officers have become yao the ghosts of their sword.

两个时有争执的巨头之间的这场狂野搏杀让科技圈和并购圈里的人看得目不转睛。The wild war between the two sometimes bickering giants had the technology and M&A worlds in rapt attention.

但即便是在史前时代的洞穴中,人类伸出手来,早就不单纯是为了吃、喝或搏杀,而且亦进行绘画创作。But even in a prehistoric cave, mankind stretched out a hand not just to eat, drink or fight, but also to draw.

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高地斧兵来自苏格兰高地,尽管自身盔甲简陋,依然挥动战斧盾牌奋勇搏杀。Fierce and wild warriors from the Scottish Highlands fight with little to no armour and are equipped with an axe.

不过此后主场作战的邱贻可显得略为保守,这样就给了徐克足够的搏杀空间。Since then, however, the home appears to be somewhat conservative, Qiu Yike , which gives the fight Tsui Hark enough space.

马穆鲁克弓骑兵以奴隶身份进入埃及,自童年始即接受作战训练。他们箭法如神,近战搏杀亦颇为出色。Bought as slaves, and trained from boyhood, these formidable soldiers excel at archery, but can also hold their own in melee.

他的凌厉攻势迫使穆雷出现了很多次失误,在近几年的比赛中很少见到他这样干净利落的搏杀式打法。He forced Murray into errors and then went for the clean, swift kill in a manner that has sometimes eluded him in recent times.

然甚至有一些独属于亚克托安的文字,他被一群亢奋的猎狗攻击,撕得皮开肉绽。我们可以想象一下当时搏杀的情景。There's even a part of Actaeon, as he is mauled and savaged, who can imagine being a spectator at the kill, in all its excitement.

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但即使是在史前时代的洞穴中,人类伸出手来,早就不单纯是为了吃、喝或搏杀,而且亦进行绘画创作。Even in the caves of the prehistoric time, people used their hands not only to eat, drink or fight, as well as painting and creating.

我拼命率军队搏杀,最后终于取得完胜,一举歼灭了敌人。I try very hard to the rate troops to fight to kill, the end obtains to finish to win finally, annihilating an enemy with one action.

他摇摇晃晃迈出了去波特兰大街的头几步,波特兰大街是他为独立与尊严而孤身搏杀的战场。He takes the first unsteady steps on a journey to Portland's streets, the battlefield where he fights alone for his independence and dignity.

龙梅率留守部队与优势日军作最后的搏杀,巷战之后,龙家集全面失守。After the long rate and the advantages of the Japanese troops left behind for the last fight, street fighting, dragon house set comprehensive fall.

法律理论演进的历史表明,文人相攻的天性及对自我理论的偏爱决定了法学理论之间的相互搏杀。The evolving history of legal doctrines shows that intellectual's propensity of mutual attack and pampering about their own theories decide this infighting.

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率领全新的精锐部队上阵搏杀!每个印第安派系都有专属的精锐单位,包括精锐战斧武士,夏安猛獒战士,那瓦霍斥候等等。Command new Elite units specific to each American Indian faction including Mohawk Elite Warriors, Cheyenne Dog Soldiers, Navajo Scout Warriors and many more.

他们熟悉马背生涯,装备强力复合弓后,即成为精锐弓骑兵,但近身搏杀十分脆弱。Accustomed to a life in the saddle, they are excellent light horse archers equipped with powerful composite bows. They prefer to avoid hand to hand combat though.

当你在一个风浪尖头之上的时候,随时都有跌落的危险,但是你要牢牢的抓住处在顶峰的机会,继续与风浪搏杀,最终你必将成功的驾驭风浪并将之转变为前进的动力。you ride a wave, which is constantly tumbling, and perched on top of this continually disintegrating hill of water, you harness its turbulence into forward motion.