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向它说是。Say yes to it.

但是不管怎样,他既然说是有关爱情的,那就算是爱情的吧。Anyhow. About love.

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这几乎可说是搞偶像崇拜.It's almost cult-like.

我说道“不,那么说是不对的。No, I said, that’s wrong.

据传说是未必尽然的。Legend says they were not.

缘分,您说是吧。Predestination, you say BE.

确切的说是金第纳尔。The gold dinar to be exact.

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你是说是吧,陈老师?Mr. Chen as my teacher here.

不能说是画家,我们都画得不好。Then both of you are painters.

这可以说是一个必装的扩展!This is a must have extension!

陶的概说是准确的。Almost Tao said to be accurate.

贝蒂说是弗兰克开了,他并没有开。Betti said it was Frank, not him.

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他可以说是一个大孩子了。He is a grownup baby, as it were.

说是辽远的海的相思。It is called miss of distant sea.

可以说是道德沦丧。It can be said of moral turpitude.

或者我们应该说是热爱。Or perhaps we should say, “loves”.

这都不能不说是一个做画人的悲哀。All this is a sorrow for a painter.

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可以说是一个很有趣的工作。It's a really fun gig, so to speak.

不如说是无知的流行。More like an epidemic of ignorance.

夏娃说是蛇诱惑了她。Eve says that the snake seduced her.