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你还要呆在这儿谈天吗?Are you staying to talk?

我最喜欢的消遣是以及朋友谈天。My favorite pastime is chatting with friends.

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病中与同病者谈天常是有益的。It's often helpful during an illness to talk to other sufferers.

忽然,妈妈想起有人叫她去谈天。Suddenly, mother remembers some people to be called her to chat.

我们散步、我们谈天,然后我们回到办公室,神清气爽!We walk, we talk and we come back to the office feeling refreshed.

真是遗憾啊,我们直到下周五才能见面谈天。It is such a shame that we can't chat or see each other until Friday.

迈可和裘伊仍在表演艺术书架前谈天。Mike and Joy are still talking in front of the performing arts shelf.

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你可以看到一个商人坐在门口,和邻居谈天。You will see a dealer sitting at his door who gossips with a neighbor.

我经常与拉斐尔谈天,他是我最好的朋友之一,他真的是我的‘星际医生’。I chat with Raphael frequently, one of my best friends and he is truly my "sky doc".

我念大学的时候喜欢在美丽的校园里和朋友们漫步、谈天、,我希望以后有时间和你们一起分享快乐的时光,谢谢!I hope that when we have time I can share the same happy moments with you. Thank you.

小时候,朋友就是朋友,可以无话不谈,谈天论地,无所顾忌。Child, friend is a friend, you can talk about anything, talk on the way, nothing to fear.

我念大学的时候喜欢在美丽的校园里和朋友们散步、谈天。When I was in college, I liked walking around the beautiful campus talking with my friends.

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一些人需要相当多自信和礼数,像是繁忙时,停止同别人谈天。Some require a lot more confidence and suave, like stopping to talk to people during a busy event.

女人最终会很伤心,她们的丈夫同相对陌生的人谈天,却不跟她们讲话。Women can wind up hurt that their husbands tell relative strangers things they have not told them.

四个男人和一位女士坐在酒吧谈天,谈论他们的专业事业和生活方式。Four guys and a lady were sitting at the bar talking about their professional careers and lifestyles.

每次有人跟我谈天气,我总很觉得他们另有所指,而我便会变得很不安。Whenever people talk to me about the weather, I always feel quite certain that they mean something else.

在寺庙外的山上,年轻人盘腿围坐成圈,相互谈天讲笑话。Outside, on the mountain, young people sat cross-legged in circles, chatting and telling each other jokes.

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男人们都喜欢在诸如酒吧的环境下谈天侃地,因为在这样的环境下他们可以聊些与工作无关的话题以此放松自己。Men bond in atmospheres like bars, where they can talk about non-work-related topics and let off some steam.

几年前,我参加了一个业余自由作家组织,我们会定期组织在一起喝酒谈天。A few years ago, I belonged to an informal group offreelance writers andeditors who would assemble regularly to drink and talkshop.

他经营着一家餐馆,黑人区的2115咖啡馆,在这里总是聚集着很多非裔人种,人们在这里吃喝、谈天、有时候谈政治,有时候还听听音乐会。He manages a restaurant, the Cafe 2115 in Harlem, where West Africans gather to eat, talk, politic, and sometimes listen to concerts.