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条子中总棉结数量高。High total neps in sliver.

确定蜘蛛的数量。Pick the number of spiders.

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这个数量太长了!The quantity is toos mall !

跨越任意数量的计算机。Span any number of machines.

现在我们只看重数量。Now we only see the quantity.

这里麋鹿的数量还是很多的。There are a lot of elks here.

这些行里怎么没有数量?These lines have no quantity?

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限制嘴里的瓜籽数量。Limit the seeds in your mouth.

但数量过剩是一种危机。But overpopulation is a crisis.

这里有两种限定在制品数量的机制。These two mechanisms limit WIP.

到1930年,野牛群的数量增加了。By 1930, herd numbers increased.

染色体数量、X染色体、Y染色体Chromosome numbers and Xs and Ys

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最后决定猪的数量。That sets up the number of pigs.

后来雕像的数量减少了一半。Later the amount was cut in half.

是围绕核心抽象的模式数量么?The number of patterns around it?

如果我们想提高投票人的数量,If we want a higher voter turnout,

质量比数量重要。Quality matters more than quanity.

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德国Gerlot的大家数量是多少?What's the population of Gera lot?

敬辞你们需要几多数量的货物?。May Iknow the quantity you require?

海牛的数量曾经很多。There used to be a lot of manatees.