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那是自卫。That's self defense.

自卫非常管用。Very useful in that respect.

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他为了自卫射杀了那个人。He shot the man in self-defence.

他是为了自卫才向那人开枪的。He shot the man in self-defense.

河马只有在自卫时才会杀人。Hippos only kill in self-defense.

因此我们不应该自卫吗?So we should not defend ourselves?

自卫,这是个关键词。That is the key word, self-defense.

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你也可以用它自卫。You can also use it in self-defense.

妇女用一把小刀进行自卫。The woman defended herself with a knife.

验尸官宣称汤姆临死前大便失禁在裤子里,而且由于自卫而手部受伤。Tom also had defensive wounds on his hands.

这位前“绿色贝雷“组织的成员为自己辩护为自卫。The former Green Beret pleaded self-defense.

但是以色列表示,他们的行为完全是自卫。But Israel says it was acting in self-defence.

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他正在练习自卫术。He's practising up on the art of self-defence.

他对警方说他的行为是出于自卫。He told police that he had acted in self-defence.

特殊的自卫武器还使蠋蝽免遭鸟类的荼毒。The stinkbug has a special weapon for self-defense.

允许那些守法的枪支拥有者用枪来自卫。Empower law-abiding gun owners to defend themselves.

当他向我袭击时,我用棒子自卫。When he attacked me, I defended myself with a stick.

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海草在受伤时释放酸液来自卫。A seaweedreleases acid for defense when it's injured.

哈米德先生难道否认叙利亚人民的自卫权利?Does Mr Husain deny Syrians the right to self-defence?

那个厌恶的触犯者用竹篱自卫。the offensive offender defended himself with the fence.