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农场就是他的领地。The farm was his domain.

试举美国一个领地。Name one U. S. territory.

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在海边一片王子的领地。In a princedom by the sea.

您可以指定到您的上议院领地。You can assign fiefs to your lords.

安科纳现在开局成为一个叛军领地。Ancona now starts as a rebel region.

进占着大陆王国滨海的领地。Advantage on the kingdom of the shore.

他厌恶地离开了暗夜精灵的领地。Reluctantly he departed night elf lands.

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我们有了新领地、新人类、新思想。There are new lands, new man, new thoughts.

动作不太灵巧的“新手”慢慢进入了我的领地。Less mobile New Guy edged into my territory.

弗吉尼亚成功地捍卫了她的领地。Virginia had defended her land victoriously.

这些新领地曾经拥有属于他们的纯洁。The new lands were handed back their virginity.

当你走进一间屋子时,要学会霸占领地。When you enter a room, learn to claim territory.

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此外,他们还建立了领地制。Thirdly, they also established the manorial system.

领地的占有者享有一定的特权。The tenants of the demesne enjoyed certain privileges.

他们被带到了萨摩藩的领地鹿儿岛。They were taken to Kagoshima,seat of the Satsuma clan.

只去一个领地就可以收到所有领地的税收。You collect taxes from all fiefs by visiting just one.

因此文学需要划分自己的领地。Literature has to figure out where to stake its claim.

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我正进入一个我长期以来嘲笑和蔑视的领地。I was entering a territory I'd long scorned and derided.

逻辑而非感情统治着分析者的领地。Logic, not emotion, rules in the land of the analytical.

宾夕法尼亚莎草之类的草类物种接管了领地。grass-like species such as Pennsylvania sedge take over.