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他们不在乎被别人叫做土匪或改良派。They do not care whether they are called bandits or reformers.

康有为既为资产阶级改良派领导人,亦是“诗界革命”派诗人。Kang Youwei is the bourgeoisie reformist leader, also a poet of "the poem revolution".

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这也正是改良派和革命队伍内机会主义者的理论。It is a convenient doctrine for reformists and opportunists in the revolutionary ranks.

因此,改良派对革命派的这种说法给予驳斥和批判。Therefore, the reformist faction of the revolution to give this argument refuted and criticized.

清末率先尊黄帝为汉族始祖的是部分改良派人士。Han Qing Dynasty as the first ancestor of the Yellow Emperor statue is part of the reformists who.

这样他们就从改良派和积极传播西学的先驱转变为复古主义者。So that they spread from the reformists and positive change for the retro pioneer of Western activists.

清末早期改良派是中国近代警察制度的奠基人,他们把国外先进的警察教育制度引进中国。The school of reform in early stage of the late Qing Dynasty is a founder of modern China's police system.

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许多改良派的、西化的阿尔巴尼亚人原本一直抱有危机会理性化解的希望。Many progressive, westernized Albanians had continued to entertain hopes for a rational settlement of the crisis.

很多对市场解决方案疑心重重的社会改良派认为,这样的革新证明了原来的分配系统还有改进的余地。Many social advocates, suspicious of market solutions, say that such reforms prove that the system can be improved.

文章通过分析维新变法运动中改良派的分化阐述其失败的原因。The paper elaborates the reasons of failure by analyzing the differentiation of Reformists in the Reform Movement of 1898.

近代以来,中国早期改良派在对西方国家政治形态的观察中,形成了对共和制度的初步认识。From 1840, Chinese reformist formed the cognition about republicanism during their observation of western political systems.

在本土文化资源中寻找现实政治斗争的根据是改良派和革命派的一致倾向。The consistent inclination of reformists and revolution was to seek grounds for realistic politic struggles in native culture sources.

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严复是我国19世纪末资产阶级改良派的代表人物之一,他的学说深受西方近代思想的影响。Yan Fu is our country one of 19 century's end bourgeoisie reformist's representative personages, his theory depth Western modern times thought influence.

其原因为社会改革,西学东渐,文体发展和资产阶级改良派使然。在中国文学理论批评史上是一个光辉的里程碑。Which took shape by the social reformation, spread of western culture to the orient, the development of literal style, and the promotion from capital reformists.

在中西方文化冲击之时,改良派与革命派在意识领域展开了对中国前途的摸索。When the conflict between the Chinese culture and western culture happens, Reformists and Revolution faction start exploration to Chinese future in consciousness domain.

清末改良派和清政府分别通过变法维新和预备立宪进行了宪政尝试,但都以失败而告终。Reformists in late Qing Dynasty and the government attempted constitutional politics through constitutional reform and constitution drafting respectively. But they both failed at last.

辛亥革命后,中国虽有了众多政党,可却无政党政治。革命派和改良派建立多党制或两党制的种种努力均告失败。为民主而奋斗的人士只能结成革命党在体制外求得生存与发展。Although there were numerous political parties in China after the Revolution of 1911. the real political party system had not been formed until the foundation of the Chinese Communist Party.

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因此其改良主义思想具有反侵略的爱国主义精神,反映了当时广大爱国人民的要求,对以后的改良派产生一定影响,具有承前启后的作用。So its reformist ideas with the patriotic spirit of aggression, reflecting the demands of the people were patriotic, right after the reformists have a definite impact past and the future role.