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她的歌声打动了我。Her singing gets me.

你的故事深深地打动了我。Your story slays me.

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她的诚实打动了他。Her honesty got to him.

我被这一切深深地打动了。I wasgreatly moved by this.

他的真诚打动了她。His sincerity impressed her.

音乐深深打动了她。The music affected her deeply.

这些话太打动我了,我的上帝。How these words moved me,my God.

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这就是他,一个曾经深深打动我的人。It was him who touched me so much.

但是这个问题深深地打动了我。But this question hit me very deep.

如果这些赏心乐事能打动你的芳心If these delights thy mind may move

如果这些赏心乐事能打动你的芳心。And if these pleasures may thee move.

什么也无法打动这自私老农夫的心。Nothing would move the selfish old man.

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欣儿打动,承受了孙浩的感情。Hin, bear the SunHao by son of feelings.

山姆.阿贝的照片哪里打动了你?What struck you about Sam Abell’s photo?

这部进口影片打动不了观众。The imported film left the audience cold.

林茵为自己所做的一切,深深地打动了沈凡。For all that he had done, he moved deeply.

山姆.阿贝的照片哪里打动了你?Q.What struck you about Sam Abell’s photo?

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一首掀起你的盖头来,曾打动了多少美好的心灵。A lift your veil, once touched many hearts.

显然,他被她的恳求打动了。Obviously , he was moved by her entreaties.

还是韩进被港务集团的诚意所打动?Or has Hanjin been moved by PSA's sincerity?