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寺区林荫蔽日,水流潺潺。Temple area lined Biri, water Chan Chan.

在亚洲,猕猴桃在荫蔽条件下能生长得很好。In Asia, the hardy kiwi grows well in the shade.

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怯懦的变色龙则在能容它之处寻找荫蔽。Chameleon cowards bask in whatever shade suits them.

荫蔽度严重影响种群的密度。The shade seriously influenced the population density.

大树树叶的荫蔽使这个湖的景色变得模糊了。The foliage of the huge tree obscures the view of the lake.

这里我荫蔽和隐藏着我的思想,我自己不去暴露它们。Here I shade and hide my thoughts, I myself do not expose them.

水边的茅屋被悬于头顶的大树荫蔽着。The hut by the side of the water is shaded by an overhanging tree.

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更重要的是,在每年的春天和夏天,它们是鸟类荫蔽繁茂的驻巢场所。In addition, they offer shady, leafy nesting sites in the spring and summer.

春天,树长出叶子,为大自然增添美丽,还可以在夏天提供荫蔽。The trees grow leaves in the spring to provide beauty and shade in the summer.

在人生的荫蔽处有很多孤寂的记忆之窠巢在逃避语言。In the shady depth of life are the lonely nests of memories that shrink from words.

为何你单单选择我,把我从日常生活的凉爽荫蔽中带出?Why did you single me out and bring me away from the cool shelter of our common life?

当一个植物被荫蔽时,它所面临的红光对于远红光的比值就会发生显著改变。There is a significant change in the red to far-red ratio if a plant is shaded by foliage.

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没有PIN3蛋白的植物在荫蔽条件下并没有表现出隐蔽躲避综合征。The shade avoidance syndrome was not present in the genetically altered plants without PIN3.

而这也是彼得的继任者们拥有的一个位置,无论是皇家继承人还是后来的总统,从那以后一直享受着祖先的荫蔽。And that is a position that Peter’s heirs, whether royal or presidential, have enjoyed ever since.

基本上在所有植物的生长进程中都起着关键的决定作用,包括植物的荫蔽躲避反应。They play a decisive role in almost all plant growth processes, including the shade avoidance reaction.

你是荷叶,我是红莲,心中的雨点来了,除了你,谁是我在无遮拦天空下的荫蔽?You are the lotus leaf, I Honglian, the hearts of the rain has come, in addition to you, who is my shelter?

藤萝蔓生,荫蔽幽暗,充满秘密,正如一本旧式故事书里的可怕怪物会居住的巢穴。Shaggy with ivy and dark and secret-looking, it is just the lair you'd choose for a mean old storybook monster.

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周围的空气厚重而潮湿,其中充斥的活物和尸体的气味在夜幕中的草原荫蔽下发酵,当然,还有粪便的味道。The air was thick and humid, moist with the privacy of savanna darkness, the smells of birth and death and shit.

间套作系统中荫蔽是影响低位作物生长发育的主要因素。Shading in relay intercropping system is a major factor affecting the low growing of crop growth and development.

石破天发现状况后让人马上荫蔽,见敌人进攻后他们按原方案停止撤离。Stone found status to skyshatter after shade, see the enemy attack immediately after the original plan to stop evacuated.