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举凡最美之人,其部位比例,必有异于常人之处。There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion.

举凡交流的层级、交流的法令、交流的事项,都可更加开放。Such as the level, regulations and items in respect of intercourse could open more.

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举凡所有研讨会之前,郑重建议预先备妥视听设备。Making advance arrangements for audiovisual equipment is strongly recommended for all seminars.

所检视的题材举凡流行音乐,广告,种族主义电影及新闻报导等。Materials examined include pop music, advertisements, ethnographic films, and journalistic accounts.

提供最多样化的服务,举凡医疗保健、药材药品、卫生用品应有尽有。We provide the most extensive service, ranging from medical care, various kinds of medicine to health products.

举凡进一步合金结构和磁性纪录煤介的低度空间合金和整合电路的范例。Examples from advanced structural alloys and low-dimensional alloys for magnetic recording media and integrated circuits.

运开租车为一个全方位的小客车租赁公司,举凡各式各样的用车需求,我们都可以提供,并且绝对让你满意。Fortune rent-a-car is good at transportation about vehicle. We provide the various requests of using car which you must feel satisfied.

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举凡学校制度、升学制度、课程教学、权力结构-等等,都有重大的变革。And there are tremendous revolutions in the school system, the advanced studies, the curriculum & teaching, and the authority structure.

举凡火车、轮船、高楼、电灯、电影、电话、无线电都是我们的先人所没有看见过的。Things such as trains, ships, skyscrapers, electric lights, movies, telephones and radios, for instance, were never seen by our forefathers.

造成右曲球的原因有很多种,排除天候的影响之外,举凡身体的转动、预备动作、握杆等等都会造成击球时杆面与球的微妙关系。Besides weather's affect, bodies turning, pre-action, and holding position can also generate different touch points between balls and club faces.

举凡民众生活中的食、衣、住、行、育、乐等环节,皆与休閒游憩息息相关。Jufan public life Food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, entertainment and other sectors, are closely related to recreation and leisure.

我的弟弟谢孟霖是一个奇才,举凡汽车、音响、赏鸟、观星样样精通,对环保、节能更深入研究并要全家人身体力行。He is deeply involved in environmental protection and green solutions to energy issues. He encourages all of us in the family to follow his lead in these areas.

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作品用色大胆鲜明,举凡泼墨山水、写意荷塘、古朴农舍,开创出属于个人风格之独特符号。The works are bold and bright, expressing the unique symbols of individual styles in ink-and-wash landscapes, abstract lotus pond, nostalgic farmhouse scenes, etc.

举凡兵役也,公债也,经济之统制也,灾民难民之救济也,无不为贪官污吏借以发财之机会。Conscription, government bonds, economic controls, famine relief and war relief, all without exception have become money-making opportunities for corrupt officials.

在木材而言,曾经是蕴育于岁月中的木头,举凡纹理、节籀、伤痕、都记录著一个自然生命经历风霜雨露、寒暑春秋、环境水土的结果。Wood is a supple material because it displays its scars from the past through textures, knots and scratches, standing as a testament against its environment, water and soil.

举凡所有家电,像是电视、微波炉,或是吹风机,任何电器只要插上插头,就会产生电磁波,我们的健康就会受到影响。All home appliances such as televisions, microwaves, hairdryers, or any appliances that need to be plugged in will generate electromagnetic waves that will affect our health.

有氧运动课程种类繁多,举凡阶梯有氧、拉丁有氧、拳击有氧皆为一般健康人所设计,但是针对高龄者却很少有台适之课程提供选择。There are variety of aerobic exercises existed so far. Most of them were designed for healthy people, including Step aerobic dance, Latin aerobic, and Kickboxing aerobic exercise.

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故举凡气候、财务金融指数、经济指标走势、组织营收获利等内外在因素的变动,皆可能在工程专案期间存在有相当风险。For these reasons, any changes in internal or external factors, such as climate, financial index, economic prosperity, organization's profit, etc. , may cause high risk with fatal effects.

由于现今社会的疾病型态乃以慢性病为主,举凡糖尿病、高血压或心脏病等疾病都与肾脏疾病的发展息息相关。Chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiac disease, all are associated with renal disease. Renal failure can be categorized into two types, acute or chronic renal failure.