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用锡纸把鸡肉松松地盖起来。Cover the chicken loosely with foil.

把全身都用锡纸包裹起来。Pack up the whole body with tinfoil.

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用锡纸做一个24公分的圆形圈。Make a 24 cm –diameter circle on foil.

我把锡纸蒙在烘焙纸上,然后把肉丸整齐的放上去。I line a baking sheet covered with tin foil.

揭掉锡纸,放于室温下冷却1个小时。Uncover and cool 1 hour at room temperature.

你把用过的塑料袋、锡纸和锡盘都留着。You save grocery bags, tinfoil, and tin containers.

不要买塑料包装,锡纸包装,三明治包装等各种包装袋。Don't buy plastic wrap, tin foil, sandwich bags, etc.

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还有报纸和锡纸盘,富兰克林。Same with that newspaper and that tin-foil tray, Franklin.

若您想把鸡肉急冻,应以以锡纸或保鲜袋盛载。If you want to freeze tye , wrap them in foil or freezer bags.

将麦淇淋用勺放入锡纸中,锡纸圈作为标准。Spoon meringue onto the foil, using the marked circle as a guide.

锡纸可以用于盛载食物、厨房烹饪,那么锡纸还能用于什么地方呢?Tin foil can be used the kitchen, but what else can we do with it?

说着,他把包着锡纸的碗放在餐桌上面擦碗碟的毛巾上。He placed the foil-covered bowl on a dish towel on the dining table.

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然后拿一张长的锡纸包卷起来。Soak them up with water, and wrap them up tightly with a long tin-foil.

封好锡纸,放入已预热至180℃焗炉内焗30分钟。Cover with aluminum foil and bake in preheated 180℃ oven for 30 minutes.

将两张24英寸长的锡纸呈十字对折,再打开。Fold two 24-inch lengths of aluminum foil in half crosswise, and unfold.

她把那层锡纸揭下的时候,蛋白酥皮黏附在她的皮肤上,像膨胀的雪花。When she pulled off the tin, meringue clung to her skin like blown snow.

你们的货物将用内衬锡纸外加铁箍的木箱包装。You goods will be packed in wooden cases with tin-lining and iron hoops.

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烘焙过程中如果觉得颜色过深,就盖上锡纸。Loosely cover the loaves with foil if they become too brown during baking.

我用了一个蒸小笼包的草垫,下面用了四个锡纸球架着。I used four little balls of foil and then a Xiaolongbao steaming mat on top.

用锡纸盖好锅面,放入焗炉内,以220度焗约两小时。Cover the pan with aluminium foil and put it in the oven, bake at 220℃for 2 hours.