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料。这些是公法还是私法呢?What is the difference between a public and private law?

公法和私法被分卷收编。Public and private laws are contained in separate volumes.

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大陆法系有公法与私法之分。The mainland legal system has division public law and the civil law.

公法在中国是伴随着共同体的形成而生成的。Public Law generated in China with accompanied by the formation of the Community.

其中关于网络隐私侵权问题在近年备受关注,但多属公法角度的探讨。Among them the invasion of net-privacy seems to receive much concern in recent years.

国会应有权力界定及惩罚违反万国公法。The Congress shall have Power to define and punish Offences against the Law of Nations.

它不仅是一部规范商品生产的私法,而且也包含了有关宗教内容的公法。It was not only a private law on commodity production but also a public law on religion.

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本文即从这方面入手,对公法诚实信用原则的内涵做简要分析。Therefore, we could analyze the meaning of the principle of the good faith in public law.

美国领导人们不但承认,而且认真遵循万国公法。American leaders not only acknowledged the law of nations, but took its directions seriously.

本文试图从行政法史的角度挖掘清代盐政中的一些公法问题。This article attempts to explore the Salt Law from the Angle of history of administrative law.

现代法律体系的宏观结构由公法、私法和社会法三大要素构成。The macro-structure of modern legal systems consists of public law, private law and social law.

除了受制于万国公法外,征服者之意志即征服地之法律。Except as restrained by the laws of nations, the will of the conqueror is the law of the conquered.

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公法因社会生态的不同而演变出宗教、道德、法律等不同的表现形态。Public Law has showed religious, ethical and legal manifestations for the different social ecology.

公法对不动产财产权行使自由的限制有着深刻的法理基础。Public-law restrictions on freedom of real property right are based on a profound legal foundation.

比例原则是近现代世界各国公法领域的一项重要原则。Principle of proportion is an important principle in the field of public law of modern world nations.

20世纪以来,狄骥的公共服务理论是公法的两大主流传统之一。Since the 20th century, The public service theory of Duguit is one of the two main public traditions.

公法线千分尺用于测量齿轮公法线长度,是一种通用的齿轮测量工具。The gear tooth micrometers can be used to measure the gear tooth. They are a universal measuring tool.

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劳动法,农业法和社会保障法等领域有时被认为是公法和私法领域的混合。Labor law, agricultural law, social security are sometimes said to be "mixed" public and private areas.

从性质上而言,税收撤销权是税务机关享有的一项附属于公法债权的请求性权力。From the nature, the tax is the tax authority has revocation of an attached to the request of public debt.

信赖保护原则是私法之“诚实信用原则”在公法领域的转化和延伸。Trust-Protection Principle is the transformation and extension of "Honesty-Credit Principle"in private law.