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由一种纯天然无釉陶土烧制而成。From a purely natural soil produced from non-glazed pottery.

曾多次参加国内外文化交流活动。作壶之余收藏并研究宜兴明清均釉陶。He has participated in many cultural exchanges and won lots of prizes at home and abroad.

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一件精美的松石绿釉陶瓶,上有两只飞翔的仙鹤。An attractively enamelled turquoise earthenware bottle vase depicting two cranes in flight.

低温釉陶是我国陶瓷发展史上一项重要成果。Low-temperature glazed pottery is an important outcome in the development of pottery history.

西南地区铅釉陶流行较晚,且呈现出比较鲜明的地域特征。Plumbic-glazed Pottery was popular late in the southwest, and showed a more distinct regional characteristic.

不同区域的铅釉陶面貌有别,大都与灰陶制品有着密切的联系。The outlook of plumbic-glazed pottery in different regions is different, and closely linked with gray pottery.

由于所含金属元素的不同,铅釉陶釉色呈现出棕黄、深绿两大面貌。In reason of the difference of metal elements in the glaze, this kind of pottery shows a brown or green color appearance.

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在南方也盛产青釉陶,火度高,釉质较硬,也是后来发展青瓷的开端。Green-glazed pottery is also abundant in the south, the fire high, hard enamel, but also was the beginning of the development of celadon.

紫砂器是一种无釉陶,它并非以釉彩绘画的装室来达到陶瓷艺术中美的效果,而是通过造型构造来表达其外观美。As a non-glazed type, boccaro ware achieves its visual effect from its form and structure rather than the decorations of glazed, colored drawing.

紫砂器是一种无釉陶,它并非以釉彩绘画的装饰来达到陶瓷艺术中美的效果,而是通过造型结构来表达其外观美。As a non-glazed type, boccaro ware achieves its visual effect from its form and structure rather than the decorations of glazed, colored drawing.

虽然铅釉陶的数量并不很多,但其种类和反映的形象却非常丰富,是研究当时物质文化的重要形象资料。Although the number of plumbic-glazed pottery are not too much, but the types and the images reflected are very rich. It is important study material of culture.

同时,在赵家岭遗址发掘出土了较多唐宋时期的瓦片、瓷片、釉陶片等,器型主要有研磨器、碗、罐等。During the excavation, many Tang-Song tiles, porcelain shreds, slipped pottery etc. were yielded at the Zhaojialing site, with typologies including grinder, bowl, jars etc.

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同时,在赵家岭遗址发掘出土了较多唐宋时期的瓦片、瓷片、釉陶片等,器型主要有研磨器、碗、罐等。During the excavation, many Tang-Song tiles, porcelain shreds, slipped pottery etc. were yielded at the Zhaojialing site. Typologies of the pottery include grinder, bowl, jars etc.