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国家评论上的战争贩子也已经偃旗息鼓了。The love of war has gone AWOL at National Review.

最近这斗争似乎偃旗息鼓了。Lately a lull seems to have descended on that struggle.

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进入帝国时期以后,罗马的扩张活动基本上偃旗息鼓。During the period of Principate, the Roman army underwent two important changes.

债券警卫”可能在美国偃旗息鼓,但他们在欧洲却非常活跃。They may have retired in the U.S., but the bond vigilantes are alive and well in Europe.

谈到边境问题,对恐怖活动的打击已经让塔利班偃旗息鼓了么?As for border security, the fight against terror, keeping the extremists and Taliban down?

如今,我人到中年,自己的生活也随之偃旗息鼓,就像一只被雷倒的角马。It was my life that was lying in the middle of my life like that, like a poleaxed wildebeest.

我在意乱情迷的时候喊出了前任男友的名字,我老公当时一听到别的男人的名字,立刻就偃旗息鼓了。I yelled my ex's name in pleasure and my hubby was very frustrated hearing another man's name.

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过去恐怖活动猖獗的几年里,报纸社论版上及博客里关于反恐战争的热切讨论如今已偃旗息鼓。The intense debates on the op-ed pages and in the blogosphere of the war on terror's go-go years have quieted.

保罗的总统竞选工作,她设法用仅仅几个用时间完成她的整个政治生涯,从默默无闻到处于劣势,之后堪称奇迹,最终偃旗息鼓。She packed an entire political career into just a few months, moving from unknown to underdog to phenomenon to flame-out.

重要的是,菲茨杰拉德选择了敲锣打鼓地为他的出场大造声势,却在介绍时偃旗息鼓般地悄声低语。Significantly, Fitzgerald opts to trumpet his presence with a lavish fanfare and then introduces him with barely a murmur.

以色列同真主党的战争看似没有偃旗息鼓的迹象,尽管黎以边境的两方已遭受了巨大的人员伤亡与经济损失。S war with Hizbullah shows no sign of relenting, despite the extraordinary human and economic costs on both sides of the border.

随着内外资统一所得税法的颁布,持续了3年的关于“两税合一”的讨论也就此偃旗息鼓。With the law of Enterprise Income Tax appearing, the quarrel of two enterprise income-tax laws which had continued 3 years halted.

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我先是试探了一下能否推却,见皇后语气坚决,也就立即偃旗息鼓,答应了此事。My sounding out 1st tin reject for a while and see empress' intonation determined, also instantly stop movement, agreed this stuff.

可是为何在这年关将近,人们最需要快递的时候,众多快递企业纷纷偃旗息鼓,提前停止收件呢?But why in this year approaches, when people most need to express, many courier companies have died down, stopped prematurely Write it?

但如果房价上涨过快,政府就得出手冷却市场,炒客就得退到一边,开发商就得偃旗息鼓。But if prices rise too fast, the government has to step in to cool the market, speculators move to the sidelines, and developers put down their tools.

布什在当政期间对毫无意向的盟友们推行“自由备忘录”,当时的阿拉伯领导人被迫制定了一些用来装点门面的小型改革措施,自布什卸任以后,大部分改革措施就偃旗息鼓了。Most of the small cosmetic reforms Arab leaders enacted when Mr Bush was pushing his “freedom agenda” on unwilling allies have since been rolled back.

更重要的是,里根出身影坛,根据个人经验,当电影公司处于一个较高的税级状态时,那本年余下的时间里他们会偃旗息鼓。Moreover, Reagan knew from personal experience in making movies that once he was in the highest tax bracket, he'd stop making movies for the rest of the year.

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美银-美林的报告称,近期数据表明,暂时偃旗息鼓两年后,中国可能再次成为拉高全球通胀的推手.Recent data suggest that, after a two-year pause, China is on track to become an inflationary force for the global economy again, the BoA Merrill report said.

不过他们的反击在第70分钟便偃旗息鼓了,马克西在25码外门前劲射左上角,球应声入网。But the fight-back was curtailed on 70 minutes when that man Maxi stole possession midway inside the Fulham half before lashing into the top corner from 25 yards.

他们在处理俄罗斯的经济困境上可能需要好一番作为——一旦经济复苏或梅德韦杰夫在2012年后大权旁落,变革即可能偃旗息鼓。It is possible that they have much to do with the troubled state of the Russian economy -- and could fade once the economy recovers or if Medvedev is sidelined after 2012.