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联邦所得税仍采取累进计税法。The federal income tax remains progressive.

水土流失是一种累进性地质灾害,其实质就是土壤侵蚀作用。Soil and water erosion is a kind of incrementally geological hazard.

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称重传感器上的混合装置和重量是累进去皮称量吗?Is the mixing unit on load cells and the weight progressively tared off?

“卫生筹资累进性分析案例研究”是“卫生领域公平性系列研究”的组成部分。Progressivity analysis in a main part of equity research in health area.

通胀是税收最累进递减的形式,对穷人的打击最大。Inflation is the most regressive form of taxation and it hits the poor most.

这个计算公式像联邦个人所得税一样实行累进制。The formula achieves progressivity in much the same way as the federal income tax.

CBO的分析人士指出,这项隐含的税收是相对累进征收的。Analysis of the CBO results suggests that the implicit tax is relatively progressive.

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有一个关于我们是否应该采用累进消费税的问题。There is a question about whether we should try to have a progressive consumption tax.

累进中性密度滤镜将保证你照片里的天空不会曝光过度。A graduated neutral density filter will also help you make sure the sky isn’t overexposed.

本图表连续范围内应支付的仲裁员费用和行政性费用应该累进计算。The fees and administrative costs payable for each successive range in this chart are added together.

“卫生筹资累进性分析案例研究”是“卫生领域公平性系列研究”的组成部分。Case study on progressivity analysis of health financing is a component of Equity Research in Health Areas.

政府还对购买新车实行累进式消费税,希望以此抑制大排量汽车的购买量。The government also instituted a graduated tax on new cars, designed to discourage purchases of gas guzzlers.

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到最后税率累进率日益陡峭,反过来又损害到长期经济增长。In the end, this is a plea for steeper progressivity, which in turn cuts deeper into long-term economic growth.

新法大大减少了累进层次,但通过消除不公平现象恢复了人们对税制的信心。The new law sharply reduces progressivity but aims to restore confidence in the system by eliminating inequities.

累进税率的累进程度取决于社会福利函数的类型和劳动供给弹性的大小。Progressive degree of progressive tax rate depends on the type of Social welfare function and labour supply elasticity.

我们可以不谈津贴,佣金改为累进法,期限超过两年,比如说四年。We could perhaps have a sliding scale of commission without a subsidy for a period of longer than two years. Say four years.

他们的祖先将会十分震惊地发现,他们深爱的国家已经决定对企业和产业征收累进所得税。They would have been shocked to find that their beloved country had decided to punish industry and enterprise with a progressive income tax.

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最后,基于超额价值的智力资本超额累进激励模型可以很好的实现智力资本激励的目标。Last, excess-progressive incentive method of intellectual capital based on excess-value can reach the goal of incenting intellectual capital.

基于行小波变换的图像压缩算法以累进方式完成列向小波变换,在不影响变换结果的前提下降低了对存储容量的需求。The line-based wavelet transform was proposed and accepted because it required lower memory without affecting the result of wavelet transform.

基于同样的原因,民主党希望的那种高累进率只会增加社会上的无用功,激励富人以各种手段规避高额税率。But by the same token, steeper progressivity, of the sort that the Democrats want, will only intensify socially wasteful efforts to avoid high tax brackets.