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主程序逻辑首先关闭了缓冲输出。The main program logic first turns buffered output off.

在您完成主程序的定义之后,该错误将会消失。This error will disappear after the main program has been defined.

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您可以在按下除导航键外的任何键回到主程序界面。You can go to the main menu by pressing any key, except the joystick.

医生在患者的每一个手里扎一根针,主程序开始了。Doctor puts in a needle in every hand of a patient and the procedure begins.

设置了子程序后,我们将快速转入简短的主程序逻辑。With our subroutines set up, we move quickly into the short main program logic.

每执行一次主程序循环都将从加速计传感器中读取新的值。Each pass of the main program loop reads new values from the accelerometer sensors.

系统软件包括主程序、子程序、显示程序。The system software consists of main program, subprogram and display program modules.

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给出了主程序框图和看门狗子程序。Finally, the structure drawing of main program and the watchdog program were put forward.

向主程序注册序号、中断属性和线程属性。Register the sequence number, interrupt nature, and thread attributes to the main program.

软件控制程序包括主程序,以及中断子程序和延时子程序。The software control classify main program , intermit subprogram and time-lapse subprogram.

在主程序逻辑中执行数据结构搜索以获得查询结果。Searching this data structure for query results will be performed in the main program logic.

主程序室上面是一个悬空的全玻璃透明会议室。Above the main server room is a suspended glass corridor and a round see-through meeting room.

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要在模式间进行切换,需要对主程序循环的每次循环执行额外的检查。To switch between modes, an additional check is required in each pass of the main program loop.

创建与每个州名的电子邮件地址绑定的散列,将在主程序循环中检查该散列。Create a hash keyed on e-mail address for each state name, to be checked in the main program loop.

对于主程序的描述,还给出了大量的流程图和程序框图。In the description of main program, the paper gives lots of flow charts and procedure block diagrams.

上面的主程序逻辑将搜索匹配简单标准的字母和数字字符串。The main program logic above searches for letter and number strings matching our simplistic criteria.

其中包括主程序、机器人动作控制子程序、语音播放子程序及语音识别程序。Including the main program, sub-control robot moves, voice and speech recognition to play subroutine program.

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尼多特称Firefox浏览器有着3.3亿活跃用户,目前其主程序每天的下载量高达150万次。Mr Nitot said Firefox has 330 million active users and is currently being downloaded 1.5 million times a day.

介绍了该软件开发的硬件环境、软件结构、主程序框图和模拟屏通信程序框图。It introduces the hardware environment, software structure, main programme and communication programme diagram.

采用MATLAB编写了火炕采暖民居的室内热环境数值计算主程序与求解反应系数的子程序。A main program of the calculation and a subroutine for solving the reaction coefficient is given by using MATLAB.