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期刊是我编辑的。I edit the newsletter.

期刊室在哪?Where is the Periodical Room ?

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你把它夹在这些期刊里了。You put it among these journals.

内部的法律及学术期刊Inside Legal and Academic Journals

该期刊由生物医学出版中心出版。It is published by BioMed Central.

感谢您访问“世界科技期刊网”。Thank you for visiting WorldSciNet.

我快速翻看一些科学的期刊。I leafed through some science journals.

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质量是期刊的生命线。Qulity is the lifeblood of periodicals.

这是电子期刊列表的网页。This is the web page of E-Journal List.

关于期刊的选择,您有何高见?Have you any hints on journal selection?

你以前用过期刊索引吗?Have you used the Periodical Index before?

为什么这篇文章在中国期刊网查不到?。Why this artical did not display in CNKI ?

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搜索每一本期刊,找出任何暗码。Scan each new issue, find any hidden codes.

国内期刊会出版得快些。Domestic journals can publish papers faster.

这项研究发表在FASEB期刊上。The study is published in The FASEB Journal.

无摘要的期刊记录可上至1958年。Non-abstract journal records go back to 1958.

这份期刊的总发行量是多少?What‘s the total circulation of this journal?

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所以你能够,这个期刊多久以前开始。So you can so how long ago this issue started.

它的意思是“国际标准期刊刊号”。It means “International Standard Serial Number”.

期刊固有其自然性与社会性。The periodical has its naturality and sociality.