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所以就加紧了对女性问题的研究。And pressed on your women studies.

那个调度员加紧调车。The dispatcher to intensify shunting.

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他正在加紧写作他的新小说。He's stepping up writing his new novel.

马塞尔格拉诺列尔斯正在加紧为他。Marcel Granollers is stepping in for him.

Kress戴着面具加紧工作。Mr. Kress stepped up his work on the masks.

它有自己的任务要完成,必须加紧脚步。It has its work to finish and must hasten on.

建筑队正在加紧完工。The construction crew's just finishing it up.

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政府加紧了经济控制。The government tightened up economic controls.

我必须加紧干这活,因为天晚了。I must press on with my work because it is late.

他们加紧了新型攻击机的研制。They hastened the development of a new attacker.

所以我们要加紧创作我们自己的那部分。so we got to originate the parts that we played.

我加紧锄地,很快就锄好了。I buckled to my hoeing and the work was done quickly.

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除非你加紧学习,否则考试永远过不了关。You will never pass the exam unless you study harder.

国会正加紧筹备一场攸关重大的听证会。Now, Congress is revving up ahead of a high-stakes hearing.

我方急需这单货物,速请加紧装船发货。We require our order urgently, so please expedite shipment.

警察将自下个月起加紧检肃超速。Eg. The police will clamp down on speeding starting next month.

尤文正在加紧追赶拉奇奥右后卫奥多的步伐。Juventus are stepping up their push for Lazio fullback Massimo Oddo.

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目前马来西亚霹雳州警方正在加紧调查事故的原因。Perak, Malaysia is currently the police are stepping into the cause.

那个大男孩老是哄骗加紧的孩子为他做事。That big boy is always cajoling other children into doing things for him.

但尽管如此,信用评级机构毫无疑问正在加紧研究这个问题。But credit-rating agencies are no doubt working on that question even now.