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制革''。'业'。''制革工的行业、工作或工场。The trade, work, or shop of a currier.

这个过程就是我们所知的“制革法”。This process became known as ‘tanning’.

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那个老裁缝正在他的店中用树皮中的单宁酸制革。The old tailor was barking leather in his store.

在制革过程中,除去兽皮上的毛是工序之一。To hair the hides is one of the tanning processes.

鹿城区制革业的发展后劲不足。And leather industry in Lucheng will have a bright future.

制革废水中的污染物源于材料的残余。Chemicals residua in this waste water is a pollution source.

它也是提取丹宁酸或制革工作的重要原料。It is also an important source of tannin for tanning industries.

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Sarju的家族从事制革业已经有几个世纪了。Working leather has been Sarju’s family profession for centuries.

制革工坊内部的恶臭令壮汉亦不禁窒息。The interior of a Leather Tanner's workshop can make strong men retch.

厌氧流化床反应器对蓝皮制革废水处理效果较好。The effect of treatment of wet-blue waste water with the AFB is perfect.

全部机械配套年生产能力为猪皮制革60万张左右。We can produce about 600000 pieces of leather which are made of pigskins.

对脂肪酶在驴马皮制革过程中的应用进行了研究。Alkaline lipase was applied in the donkey and colt skin production process.

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鹿城区制革业的发展后劲不足。Leather industry in Lucheng is lack of potential of continuous development.

介绍了用制革的含铬废鞣液和废灰水生产氧化铬绿的方法。Chrome oxide green has been produced from the liquid waste of tannery industry.

不同的人造物质被发明出来,用于制革上。Various synthetic substances have been invented to be used in place of leather.

耐克公司表示,它正与制革供应商接触,并调查其供应链。Nike said it was meeting its tannery suppliers and investigating the supply chain.

介绍了低污染、少水制革工艺。The leather-making technologies with low pollution and short liquor were introduced.

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一些制革工人非法跨越边境,去见达赖,以接受他的指令。Curriers where crossing the borders illegally for to see Dalai Lama and get his orders.

几个男孩正设法在贫民窟制革作坊里看斗鸡。Several boys try to catch a glimpse of a cockfight in the tannery section of the slums.

制革污水采用预曝气处理后,可大大提高初沉池沉淀效果。By pre aeration in tanyard wastewater, the effect of primary settling improves obviously.