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那个老接生婆皱了皱眉头。The midwife frowned.

但接生婆拒绝了他的命令。He's thwarted by these midwives.

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那位助产护士给她妹妹接生。The midwife delivered her sister.

孩子是在一个医疗站接生的。The baby was delivered in a clinic.

这医生为她接生了一个婴儿。The doctor delivered her of a baby.

产科医生替这个孩子接生。The obstetrician delivered the child.

医生安全地接生下这一对孪生儿。The doctor delivered the twins safely.

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斯佳丽,我们该好好地为他接生孩子。Scarlett, we owe him a well-born child.

他正在帮助他们的母牛马蒂接生。He was helping their cow Maudie to give birth.

窝窝的教练与一个接生婆有什么共同点?What do Wozniacki's coach and a midwife have in common?

直到19世纪晚期,接生婆工作时都不洗手。Until the late 19th-century, midwives did not wash their hands.

诸葛亮-略懂…我帮牛接生过,马…我想也一样吧。A little. I help cows give birth. Houses should be much the same.

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现在接生水平高的几个可都是男人的。Severals that assist in childbirth class Gao now can are all man.

给她修车的女人还有着另外一个接生婆的身份。The woman who repairs her bicycle turns out to have been a midwife.

她是个独身主义者,但她的工作却是接生孩子。She is a celibatarian, but her work is to bring children into the world.

农村妇女主要在家中分娩,非消毒接生率高。Home delivery dominated in rural village and no-clean delivery rate was high.

他与其他6名医生和38名助产士一起工作,每个月接生600名婴儿。He works with six other doctors and 38 midwives, delivering 600 babies a month.

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我大声说“大家都闪开,腾出空间让我们接生婴儿,好吗?”"Will you all move away and let us get on with delivering this baby?" I shouted.

也是在8月4日这天,在没水没电的情况下,孙沪出生了,是上海一个医院救援队的产科医生周娟华为其接生的。Also on Aug. 4, Sun Hu was delivered in a tent without water or electricity by Dr.

另外还有个老接生婆主动找到她,说将来会给她介绍更多的客户。An elderly midwife sought her out, offering to refer more women to her in the future.