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你能把名字签在在这里吗?Can you sign here, sir?

王在在镐、岂乐饮酒。Drinking , happy and at ease.

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之后我们会在在本课程中谈论到。And we will talk about that later in 3.091.

至此,我们总在在0后面放置什么?Thus far, we always put what after the zero?

我过去也生活在在这种瘟疫肆虐的地区。I too used to live in the grip of this epidemic.

鱼在在藻、有莘其尾。The fishes are there , there among the pondweed.

这些杂种总在在某个方面有点残疾。These metis are always deformed in some fashion.

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他在在这段调整时间内仅仅领到四次犯规。He finished regulation time with only four fouls.

企业们在在千年虫问题中损失了成十上百亿美元。Companies are spending billions of dollars on Y2K.

花在在与叶相同的时间的或之前打开。Flowers opening before or at same time as leafing.

选择将密码隐藏在在文件中的选项。Select the option to stash the password to a file.

该国将在在四月提出了一项关于禁止戴面纱的禁令。The country introduced a ban on the veil in April.

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如果你咳嗽时,要用你的手盖住你的嘴。不在在公共场所吐啖。Cover your mouth if you cough. Don't spit in public.

把不穿的衣物一类穿在在编织袋内。A kind of clothing that is not worn in the woven bag.

只有卢彦勋等亚洲人还老神在在的继续吃饭!Only Lu and other Asians also old gods continued to eat!

它一直排在在橄榄球这样的垃圾节目之前。It kept getting preempted for football and all that crap.

现在我站在这里,阳光披在在身上,好温暖。Now I stand here, put the sun in his body, warm and well.

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日本在在加大对吸烟的打击力度。Japan is getting heavy-handed in its crackdown on smoking.

下个月将有三不新影片在在电影院上映。There is going to be three new films in the cinema next month.

我想大概是你妈妈以前总在在你耳边唠叨的关系吧。Well, it’s just that your mom was always bugging you about it.