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他是个外粗内秀的人。He is rough diamond.

我坚信他是一个外粗内秀的人。I am sure he is a diamond in the rough.

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彼得看上去笨手笨脚,但事实上他是一个很内秀的人。Peter looks awkward, but he is a rough diamond.

我认为玛丽是一个外粗内秀的人。I' ll have to say that Mary is a diamond in the rough.

别小看他!我坚信他是一个外粗内秀的人。Do not look down upon him! I am sure he is a diamond in the rough.

内秀内廷自成景观,木平台,樱花、水帘构成景致。Neixiu in Tingzi Cheng landscape, wooden platforms, cherry, composition curtain scene.

他的朋友们都说他特别内秀,只是外表上显得有些古怪。His friends, however, said that underneath he was charming and only outwardly seemed a little strange.

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瑞友画如其人,含蓄幽默,平易而内秀。The auspicious friend draws like the person, implicit humour is easy and intelligent without seemingly so.

这家伙真的是个外粗内秀的人,他什么都能搞定,虽然他有点大大咧咧的。The guy is really a rough diamond , and he can get everything right ,although he is a little bit careless.

我是一个外表普通但内秀的人,所以希望对方也是比较内秀的,我更喜欢内在的美。I am a person who looks normal but Neixiu, so I hope the other is relatively Neixiu, I prefer the inner beauty.

整体造型为2011西安世园会吉祥物,“长安花”,俏皮可爱,天真烂漫,生动演绎出内秀外美得典雅品质。Overall modelling for 2011, "enterprise expo mascot in xian, flower is nifty and lovely, childlike, vivid charming outside deduce beautiful elegance quality."

在西方人看来,以中国园林为代表的东方园林,虽然说是有点内秀式的诗意,但却不免有点感怀式的忧伤。From the view of the West, the eastern landscape architecture represented by Chinese landscape architecture is rich of poetic beauty, but has somewhat sentimental sadness.

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这意味着她只能跟一个长得不太好看但内秀的人在一起,或者只能将就于一个魅力不足但长得跟奥兰多•布鲁姆似的人。This means she'll have to be with someone who is a little less good-looking but appealing mentally, or settle for someone who is less engaging, but looks like Orlando Bloom.