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总的来说,很少人一直挣扎在温饱水平。In sum, few people remain at subsistence level.

全民温饱计划还有一种是脚踏式的剥壳机。The FullBellyProject also has a pedal -powered sheller.

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温饱工程也有一种踏板动力脱壳机。The Full Belly Project also has a pedal-powered sheller.

温饱曾经是中国家庭和中国政府最关心的大问题。Food was the biggest concern of the families and of the government.

告诉自己,我想变得更有钱,或者说,我现有的钱还是温饱有余。Say I wanna be rich or I have more than enough money for everything.

我已经很易于像总督一样为人们的温饱尽职尽责。I've had it easy, served up on all life's silver platters like a satrap.

我们以为他起码能满足温饱,就用美好的承诺麻醉了他。We thought he could afford to be fleeced. We ripped him off in good faith.

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小麦在没有解决温饱的文明体系中是种奢侈品,但在现代繁荣的社会中却远称不上奢侈。Wheat is a luxury in underfed civilizations, but not in a prosperous society.

中国寻找外国的土地原因是该国满足13亿人口的温饱。China is looking for foreign farms because the nation can't feed its 1.3 billion people.

贫困线以下或温饱问题还没有解决的人口仍有百万。Several million of people have lived near or below the breadline for almost two decades.

似乎每个人都很关心别人的温饱问题,别人没吃,你会请他吗?Everyone seems to care about others food and clothing, people without food, will you treat him?

哈哈,我在解决温饱上又有进步啦——今天早上煎了个蛋!I have a progress on solving "getting enough food" again! ----I fried an egg this morning myself!

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总体来看,这个时期北京居民家庭处在一种勉强温饱的状态之下。Overall, throughout this time Beijing households existed at barely comfortable standard of living.

阿宗以拖吊违规车辆的收入来维持一家人的温饱,经常违规停车的以莲收罚单如家常便饭。A-Tzung kept his family fed with his car-towing job , while Elaine gets her car towed by the daily.

在一个金钱和温饱问题决定一切的国度,女孩被视为一件可有可无的商品。In a society where economics and hunger drive most decisions, the girl child becomes a dispensable commodity.

正如温饱计划网站上的描述,通用坚果脱壳器是一个水泥圆锥体中套一个圆锥体。As described at full belly project. org, the universal nut Sheller is basically a summand corn with in a corn.

在这种情况下,最好的办法就是辞掉这份只能带给你温饱和痛苦的工作。In this case, the best solution is to consider to quit the current job that only feeds you with food and sadness.

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尤其像菲律宾这样一个不着温饱的大国,其生产的粮食还不足以养活自己,很可能会因此而陷入困境。In particular the Philippines, a big, hungry country which cannot grow enough to feed itself, could be in trouble.

我们解决了13亿人的温饱问题,减少了2亿多绝对贫困人口。We have met the basic living needs of 1.3 billion people and lifted over 200 million people out of absolute poverty.

让13亿人实现温饱大概是全球最浩大的工程了,确实值得庆贺。Having our 1.3 billion people fed and clothed is probably the world's greatest project. And it deserves a celebration.