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他在地板上踩灭了他的烟蒂。He stamped his butt on the floor.

铅笔头、雪茄烟蒂、牙的残根。The stump of a pencil, cigar, tooth.

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小小烟蒂危害大,树木见了都害怕。Small stubs do great harm to the woods.

好吐出我的日子和习惯的悉数烟蒂?。To spit out all the butt-ends of my days and ways?

刚才看见你丢掉烟蒂,然后用脚踩熄。I just saw you throw a cigarette butt and step on it.

但是对于鸟儿们来说,一天一个烟蒂,螨虫就会远离我。But for the birds, a butt a day might just keep mites away.

请将烟蒂放入提供旳盛器里。Please put your cigarette ends into the receptacle provided.

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她扑灭他的爱,像熄灭午夜尽头燃烧的烟蒂。She put him out like the burnin end of a midnight cigarette.

那是一个烟蒂,一缕烟还在冉冉上升。It is a cigarette-end from it gently rises a thread of smoke.

衣衫褴褛、耳朵后面夹了个烟蒂的人。A seedy character with a cigarette butt jammed behind his ear.

他在幻觉用品商店买了一些大麻卷烟烟蒂夹子和大麻吸食管。He bought some roach clips and hashish pipes at the head shop.

脚下的地板乌光光的油腻滑溜,烟蒂满地。The floor under them was black with grease and cigarette ends.

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头昏脑胀的醉汉错把烟蒂当钥匙,却执信自己将钥匙当作雪茄抽掉了。"Well, I'll be damned! " said the drunk. "I must have smoked my key. "

我小心地掐灭香烟,把烟蒂仍装进烟盒里。I dinched the cigarette carefully, put the stub into the cigarette case.

在这种幽默类型里,你竭尽全力的去娱乐他人,就像自己是笑话的烟蒂。n this style of humor, you are the butt of the joke for the amusement of others.

可自由拆缷的底盘,方便清理盘中的烟蒂。Xie be free demolition of the chassis, and facilitate the removal intraday cigarette butts.

长着扁脸和断鼻梁的人在桌上揿灭了烟蒂。The man with the flat face and the broken nose crushed the end of the cigarette on the table.

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揿灭了烟蒂,又点上一支,但是发现了她的眼角,那一抹潮湿的晶莹。Press out the cigarette butts and a point, but found her eyes, then touch the crystal and humid.

木犊骇尽,骤然如跌在地上,嘴上掉下一个烟蒂,划一道暗红不见了。Mu Du, startled, nearly fell, the cigarette butt between his lips streaked dark red and disappeared.

他被告知政府有理由相信他在开车期间“乱弹烟蒂”。He was told that a council officer had reason to believe he was "dripping his cigarette" while driving his car.