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就让他人在新的游园中享受徜徉的欢乐吧。Let others delight mid new pleasures to roam.

台北儿童交通博物馆内准备运行的游园小火车。A small tourist train in Taipei Kid's Park Museum.

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游园义卖会定于星期日举行,风雨无阻。The fete will take place on Sunday, rain or shine.

她向游园的外国人讨钱。She begged for money from the foreigners in the park.

我们的领导人参加了群众的游园庆祝活动。Our leaders joined the people in the festivities in the parks.

那一天我校举行了一年一度的游园活动,到底有什么游戏呢?That day our school held the annual fete activity, what's the game?

新年那天,他们参加游园活动,玩得很开心。New Year's Day saw them enjoying themselves in the activity of gala.

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人们兴致勃勃地参加游园活动。People jubilantly took part in the festival celebrations in the parks.

假山既多且精美,绝对是游园林的好去处。There is a lot of beautiful rockwork, which is a place you must visit.

又长大许多的小猪,此番游园,又有了哪些新体验呢?For Yue who is much older now, what new experiences would she have this time?

结合了文化和游园这两个元素之后,这里将成为我们创造的一个很特别的区域。Combined with the cultural and park elements it will be a special area we will create.

休士顿市区内赫尔曼公园的游园列车。每节车厢都有转向架喔!Tourist train in Herman Park, Houston, Texas. There are bogies for every car like a real train.

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月1日至3日,在北京各区县主要公园和公共绿地,将举行国庆游园活动。From Oct. 1 to 3, major parks in Beijing are to host parties and functions to celebrate National Day.

喜悦幸福快乐的游园人,美丽的季节,赏花、赏竹,闻花香,送您一份中秋美丽好心情。Joy happy garden, beautiful season, flowers, bamboo tours, smell the flowers, send you a moon pretty good mood.

游园活动结束了,我玩得很高兴,也很难忘,这次活动给我的童年增添了无尽的快乐。The activity ended, I had a very happy, also very unforgettable, this activity to my childhood added happiness.

在共和国50周年国庆游园活动中,铜梁龙与太庙广场一起,写意大中华。In garden pageant of the 50th anniversary of PRC, Tongliang Dragon demonstrates a Great China with Palace Square.

雷锦仪约请吴江一同游园,两人正聊天的时分忽然发作城南的爆炸事情。LeiJinYi inviting garden, two people are wujiang together chat dawn. the suddenly attack resurfaced explosion things.

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在行军的全程中,近卫军犹如游园一般,炫耀着它自己的整洁和纪律。The guards had made their march as though it were a pleasure excursion, priding themselves on their smartness and discipline.

然而,假若你正在举行露天游园交际会,或者露天贺宴,万一天气变坏,同样能够保证你不受损失。If, however, you were holding an open air garden party or a fete it would be equally possible to insure youself in the event of bad weather.

在共和国五十周年国庆游园活动中,铜梁龙勾勒了美丽的画卷,演绎出遐想无尽可能的文化符号。During the pleasance for China's 50th Anniversary, Tongliang Dragon has drawn a beautiful picture and performed the imaginable culture symbols.