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请给一张到牛津街的半价票。A half to Oxford Street, please.

请办一张去里奇蒙的学生半价周票。A weekly concession to Richmond, please.

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而且我是用半价买了这个西瓜。And I bought this melon at half the price.

演出开始前半小时可以买到半价票。You can buy half-price tickets show starts.

你知道这些票都半价了吗?Do you know alll these tickets are half off?

有给儿童的半价票吗?。Are there tickets of half price for children?

这是我买半价票的证明。This is my certificate for a half-price ticket.

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您只符合买半价票的条件。You are only qualified to buy half price ticket.

你可以问一下你是否可以买一张半价票。You may ask if you can take a half-price ticket.

单杯饮料或酒水,续杯享受半价优惠。Single drink, enjoy half-price for concession cup.

你知道这些票都半价了吗?Do you know that all of these tickets are half off?

是啊,除非我们能买到一张半价票。They may unless we get a half-price ticket for you.

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你可以问一下你是否可以买一张半价票。They may unless we get a half-price ticket for you.

我用这张通行证可以半价乘火车旅行。This pass enables me to travel half-price on trains.

雅思代考你知道这些衬衫都卖半价了吗?。Do you realize that all of these shirts are half off?

我可以按半价把这本词典让给你。I can let you have this dictionary at half its price.

电车推出长者半价优惠。Hongkong Tramways offered half price for senior citizens.

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老年人凭老年证,门票半价优惠。Old card with the elderly, half-price concession tickets.

吸这种半价大麻烟,你想能有多带劲?。What kind of chrge do you expect out of half-cashed weed?

学生可以通过高朋网购买半价电影票。A student might buy theatre tickets on Groupon for half price.