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不要欺负人。No bullying.

再说回欺负新人。Go back to hazing.

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一旦一个欺负讪笑我。Once a bully teased me.

稳坐并欺负周围国家?Sit tight and get bully around?

我就是这样老是受欺负。I was always tussling with them.

他秒杀了哪两个欺负织姬的女破面。He kills those who bully Orihime.

不要去欺负流浪狗和短尾猿。Do not tease roaming dogs and macaque.

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大家都欺负戴夫脾气好。Everyone impose on Dave's good nature.

高等初等中等学校时她常常欺负我。IT employ to bully me in high educate.

大家都欺负戴夫脾气好。Everyone imposes on dave's good nature.

我保证他以后再也不会欺负你。I promise he’ll never attack you again.

你是感觉我在欺负你吗?Do you feel like I was emasculating you?

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有时我认为她就是在欺负我。Sometimes I thought she just bullied me.

例句1。艾伦在学校里总受欺负。Alan's always getting scragged at school.

艾伦在学校里总受欺负。Alan's always getting scragged at school.

回避特定行为避免欺负行为。Avoid certain behaviours to prevent bullying.

别跟我说你在街上受到了欺负。Don't tell me you were hassled in the street.

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他大喊着说他从未欺负过任何人。He hollered that he had never bullied anyone.

因变量为欺负频率。Dependent variable is the frequency of bullying.

圭贤谁欺负,让我们的超级大明星不开心?Kyuhyun who bully, let's Super Big Star unhappy?