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这篇课文午马全集选自一部小说。This text is selected from a novel.

风弄小说全集。Wind play with novel complete works.

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全臭作动画片全集下载文共分为五章。Full text is divided into five chapters.

再交一本莎士比亚全集就全了。One more volume will complete my set of Shakespeare.

他年轻时读过莎士比亚全集。As a young man, he read complete works of Shakespeare.

如果了包含了所讨论的所有元素,则称之为全集。If T contains all elements of concern, it is called the universal set.

说句实话说我们动画粗糙的朋友,有没有把全集看完?To tell the truth that our animation rough friend, have complete works watching?

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这一结论被全集成化的CCPLL实验研究所验证。These results have been proved by the experiment of an all integrated circuit CCPLL.

莎士比亚的全集将以缩影出版,内容介绍。A complete treasury of Shakespeare will be available to public in the form of microfiches.

或许你想掌握一门新语言,学习新技能,或者读莎士比亚全集。Maybe you want to master a new language, learn new skills, or read the set of Shakespeare.

他最近的唱片是阿诺德·勋伯格为阿尔卡那创作的钢琴独奏全集。His most recent recording is the complete works for solo piano by Arnold Schoenberg for Arcana.

第一版本是批判全集,这个精装版本,收入全部作品,第二个版本是尼采书信集,是哲学著作的,平装版。The second edition is the Kritische Studienausgabe that is the philosophical works in paperback edition.

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不过,克雷杰夫人博学多闻,她的图书室里收藏了伏尔泰及其他法国大师的全集。But she read widely and well, and her library contained complete sets of Voltaire and other French masters.

总体上来说,全部的参加者在前六个月中,平均每人减掉了减肥操视频全集13磅,二年后只减了9磅。Overall, the participants lost an average of 13 pounds the first 6 months and kept 9 pounds off after 2 years.

我还给她买了一套圣雄甘地全集,并开始给她讲解起非暴力理论来。I also bought her the complete works of Mahatama Gandhi and began to explain to her the theory of non-violence.

你爱好交旧的有趣的友人,石川施恩惠全集,你也会完整享受在团队中学习占星学。You come in contact with new and exciting friends, and you would thoroughly enjoy a study of astrology in groups.

您的作品在法国颇受读者欢迎,您的全集正在法国发行。Your writing has been much celebrated in France, where your “Complete Works” are in the process of being published.

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等探索频道播完全集,动物星球频道将接着进行重播。After “Life” completes its run on Discovery, the episodes will be shown again in order on the Animal Planet channel.

侠灵电影全集,侠灵海报,侠灵电影下载。Chivalry spirit movie corpora, chivalry spirit posters and chivalry spirit movie download. lry spirit movie download.

她独自一人面对着所有的冷漠与敌鱼之恋全集下载意,但内心却仍然期待着一个温暖的港湾。She alone in the face of all the indifference and hostility, but the inside is still looking forward to a warm haven.