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知识就是力量。Knowlege is power.

我们提供专门知识。We deliver expertise.

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他缺乏船艺知识。He lacks of seamanship.

他渴望获取知识。He hungered for knowledge.

他渴望获得知识。He thirsted for knowledge.

是为了要传达知识么?Is it to convey knowledge?

良好的电脑知识。Good Knowledge of computer.

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我认为关键在于知识。I believe knowledge is key.

到底这种知识所为为何?What is this knowledge for?

科学知识社会学真的是相对主义吗?。Is SSK a Kind of Relativism?

要超越显形知识。Go beyond explicit knowledge.

不要让你的知识蒙蔽了自己。Don’t let knowledge blind you.

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他懂得许多电脑知识。He knows a lot about computer.

但概率论是个新知识The probability theory is new.

形式是生命实存的知识。Form is the knowledge of being.

他在知识方面比我强。He is my superior in knowledge.

他会学会所有的棒球知识。He'll learn all about baseball.

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再回顾一下经济学的知识Let's go back to the economics.

通向知识的门径是学习。The door to knowledge is study.

那种知识真让人哭笑不得!A bitter kind of knowledge that!