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生命叙事线,这是我对它的称谓。The narrative arc, as I put it.

打破传统叙事方式。Break the classic narrative apporach.

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叙事歌谣、颂诗等的背诵。The recitation of a ballad, an ode, etc.

声音必须根据叙事空间或自己创作。Sound must be diegetic or self generated.

叙事时间何以具有可断性?How can narrated time have "interruptibility"?

吴的宏大叙事为将电影分为两部提供了理由。Woo's grand narrative justifies the two-parter.

佩恩的叙事比分析更精彩。Mr Penn is much better at narrative than analysis.

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让我们为“元叙事”的时代画个句号吧。Let us draw to a close this era of meta-narratives.

有时我喜欢老式故事平静优雅的叙事方式。Sometimes I like the calm elegancy of the old ones.

特别表现在叙事时空的运用上。Especially in application of narrating in space-times.

我是一个叙事者,我有我自己的“地盘”。Etc. I am a story teller and I am making my own "place".

其故事套故事的叙事方法让人觉得很糊涂。Its story-within-a-story method of narration is confusing.

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媒体息管了危言耸听和简化叙事。The media will always sensationalize and simplify a story.

新闻是一种叙事,灾难新闻同样如此。The news is one kind of narrates, so is the disaster news.

此文为河湟地区的叙事民谣。This article is the narrative balladry of river Huang area.

李人的情爱叙事具有理想的色彩和“神话”品格。Li Jeren s love narrative is full of idealism and myth colors.

白先勇是一位热衷于回忆叙事的艺术大师。Baixianyong is a great artist who enjoyed the memory narration.

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Honigman说,这是协作叙事的一个实验。Honigman said it is an experiment in crowdsourced storytelling.

我们也可以称之为“生命叙事线。What we could also call "the narrative arc of your life" matters.

不过当然,叙事者从来没有真正变得有力和成熟。But of course the narrator never really becomes powerful or adult.