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去年发现了一种稀有元素。A rare element was found last year.

其中某些岩体发育有稀有元素矿化。There is metallization of rare elements in some of the granite bodies.

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本文概括地介绍了世界稀有元素矿化花岗岩的六种成因模式。Six genetic models of rare-element mineralized granites in the world are outlined.

花岗伟晶岩一种有时富含铀、钨和钽等稀有元素的粗纹理花岗岩。A coarse-grained granite, sometimes rich in rare elements such as uranium, tungsten, and tantalum.

用于玻璃镂刻,提取稀有元素以及用作防腐剂和媒染剂。The product can be used for glass frosting or extracting rare elements and used as a preservative or a mordant.

提出了一种从钽和其它杂质中测定稀有元素铌的方法。One method which can be used in analyzing rare element Nb in the presence of Ta and other impurities is proposed in the paper.

新疆阿尔泰地区某些花岗伟晶岩含有金绿宝石,它是一种罕见的稀有元素矿物,而且具有极高的经济价值。Chrysoberyl in some granite pegmatite is a rare mineral that seldom seen in Altatic area , and it is a valuable precious stone.

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会仙峰花岗岩体为燕山早期第三阶段侵入岩,是稀有元素矿化岩体,岩体蚀变具分带现象。Huixianfeng granite body is a rare metal mineralized intrusive body of the third stage of early Yanshanian period with zoned alterations.

在日本,含有金、银以及稀有元素铟等的旧家电和旧手机被称为“城市矿山”,对于日本而言,它们就是“宝山”。In Japan, containing gold, silver and indium and other rare elements Jiu Jiadian and old mobile phones are called "urban mining", for Japan, which is the "treasure.

间接地证明了含稀有元素Y的氧化物薄膜产生了“活性元素效应”,提高了氧化物涂层的附着性。At the same time it's proved that the "active element effect" has taken place in the Y bearing coating and it's beneficial to the improvement of the adhesion of the oxide coating.

而是对当今许多日本高科技十分重要的稀土元素和其他矿产,到目前为止,这些稀有元素几乎都是从中国进口,因为中国拥有世界上最多的稀土储存量。They are rare-earth elements and other minerals that are crucial to many Japanese technologies and have so far come almost exclusively from China, the global leader in rare earth mining.