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这里到处都有你的好福气。Your good luck is all here.

我享有好胃口的福气。I'm the bearer of good news.

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真是女儿们的好福气!What a fine thing for our girls!

身体健康是千金难买的福气。Good health is an invaluable blessing.

真的吗?她好福气!新郎是谁呢?Really? Lucky for her ! Who's the groom?

你这样的反应是抵御福气、是不吉祥之举。You are refusing the bliss from the god.

大家庭曾经被看做是一种福气。Large families were once seen as a blessing.

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有个蓝颜知己,也是一个女人的福气。Yen friends have a blue, a woman is a blessing.

她身体很健康,真是好福气。She's fortunate enough to have very good health.

作为真正的佛子,是我今生最大的福气。As a true Buddha, the greatest blessing of my life.

祝先生好福气啊,生了这么个标志的女儿。Good fortune, Mr Zhu, you have a charming daughter.

置身于金融危机之中,当一名社会主义者也是福气一种。BLISS is it in a financial crisis to be a socialist.

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葫芦有“福禄”之意,有收集福气的作用。Hoist "ferro" meaning, have a collection of blessing.

对父母尽孝,是人生最大的福气。To be filial is in fact the most rewarding thing in life.

这对于我们所有的人是件悲哀事情,对于他倒是福气哩!A sad thing it will be for us all, but a blessing for him!

但是,没有多少野生动物有象佛罗里达美洲豹那样的好福气。But few groups of wild animals are like the Florida panthers.

对这第四个福气的宣告,圣经给了我们两个应用的途径。The Bible gives us two applications to this fourth beatitude.

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当我们唱诗投入敬拜时,神的福气亦会随着降临。As we worship Him with these songs, we shall be greatly blessed!

好福气,我给你道喜,你还怪我没有良心?I congratulate you on your good fortune-does that make me heartless?

国民们真的很好,统治者如果能摊上中国,那真是莫大的福气。Chinese people were so kind that our rulers are blessed to rule them.