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我们能证明第三定律吗?,不能。Can the Third Law be proven? No.

下面我来讲牛顿第三定律Now, I'll give you the third law.

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第三定律断言,没有一个系统能达到绝对零度。The third law states that no system can be reduced to 0 K.

牛顿第三定律是否与参考系有关?。Is Newton's Third Law Concerned with Non-inertil Frame of Reference?

然后第三定律跳出来,这里就是杯具的所在。And then the third law comes in, and that's the depressing part here.

牛顿的运动三定律是现代学力学的重要组成部分。His three laws of motion form an essential component of modern physics.

牛顿三定律及应用,非惯性系,惯性力。Newton three law and its application, non-inertial system, inertial force.

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能否把“三定”规定落实到位,还需要我们付出艰苦的努力。Can the "San-ding" provisions are in place, we need to make painstaking efforts.

艾萨克阿西莫夫的机器人三定律是如何在Last.fm的robots.txt文件中呈现的?How did Isaac Asimov’s three laws of robotics end up on’s robots.txt file?

最后,讨论了黑洞的热力学第三定律。Lastly, the third law of thermodynamics of black-hole has been completely discussed.

在绝对零度下工作,猜一下热力学第三定律告诉我们什么?The only way you could possibly contemplate it is to be working at absolute zero Kelvin.

从开普勒三定律出发,分析这类运动中的守恒量。Starts with Kepler three laws, and analyzes the conservational quantity in this kind of motion.

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我看现在要把阿西莫夫机器人三定律重新输入到机器人程序中了。I’m thinking a re-read of Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics in iRobot is in order right about now.

唯一的问题是,根据热力学第三定律,温度不可能低于-459华氏度。The only snag is the Third Law of Thermodynamics, which says it’s impossible to go below -459 F.

牛顿第三定律向我们保证如果你的体重是150磅,那么地球就是对你施加一个向下的,大小为150牛的力。Newton's Third Law guarantees this, if you weigh 150 pounds, the earth is pulling you down with a force of 150 pounds.

热力学第三定律的一个更重要的推论是,与内能和自由焓不同,我们可以给上定义一个绝对的数值。And the bigger lesson from that is that entropy, unlike energy u or enthalpy H, we could define an absolutely number for it.

指出范德瓦耳斯气体与经典理想气体一样,也与热力学第三定律不相容。It is pointed out that the van der Waals gas is also incompatible with the third law of thermodynamics as the classical ideal gas.

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这就是牛顿第三定律,当然,撼动地球的力,小得难以察觉。That is the consequence of Newton's Third Law even though the amount by which the earth moves is, of course, too small to be measured.

在前几次课中,我们通过努力明确的,给出了热力学,第一,第二和第三定律。So, over the last few lectures we've worked and struggled so formulate the second and third laws of thermodynamics in addition to the first.

第三定律从马上,独立重力反比定律,但他自己没有注意到,后来,牛顿把它们综合起来。The third law leads immediately to the inverse square dependence of gravity, which he was not aware of, but Newton later put that all together.