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耐久度的衡量单位是圆点数。Durability is measured in dots.

哀愁却是坚强而耐久。But sorrow is strong and abiding.

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我们为什么要做耐久性测试?。Why do we have to do durability test?

还是一种耐久的持续性呢?Is it sustained periods of continuity?

机翼的耐久度测试在此展开。Endurance of plane wings are tested here.

耐久度很低的一个简单营火。A simple Campfire that has low durability.

但是,于我,也是一次耐久性的实验。But, for me, it was also an endurance test.

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消声器的耐久度会显示在武器图标上。The suppressor's durability is shown in the icon.

耐久度是上层国王与皮革或绒面。Durability is king with the leather or suede upper.

人们住在由耐久的材料制作的房屋里。People dwell in the houses made of durable material.

二者相比,背胶型会更耐久一些。Compared to two, some gum type would be more durable.

它比其它种类的纸来的厚且较耐久。It is thicker and more durable than other forms of paper.

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卡其布是很耐久的布料,广泛用来制作制服。Khaki is a durable fabric that is widely used for uniforms.

这里是我的最脆弱的叶子,可也是我最坚强而耐久的部分。Here the frailest leaves of me and yet my strongest lasting.

阀杆采用硬化蒙乃尔合金K500,以增加强度和耐久性。Stem made from hardened Monel K500 for strength and durability.

装备现在没有耐久度啦,所以不需要再修理了。Equipmentdon't have a durability, so you won't have to repair it.

聚合物电池比金属壳方形电池的机械耐久性更小。LIP cells have less mechanical endurance than metal-can-cased LIB.

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香烟作为货币的另一个问题是它缺少耐久性。Another problem of cigarettes as money is their lack of durability.

高耐磨脚趾尖的特殊耐久性高耐磨领域。High abrasion toe tip for exceptional durability in high wear areas.

利奥芬达的吉他不仅万能,而且耐久。Leo Fender’s guitars weren’t just versatile, they were also durable.