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水貂的毛皮,价格昂贵。The expensive fur of a mink.

那位穿水貂短大衣的妇女是谁?。Who's the lady in the mink coat?

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整张水貂皮,不论是否带头,尾或爪。Of mink, whole, with or without head, tail or paws.

犬、水貂的犬瘟热、犬细小病毒等病毒性疾病。Dog, mink distemper, dog tiny virus and so on virulent diseases.

使用陷阱捕猎的猎手几乎将我们的小城的水貂群落全部消灭。Trappers have almost completely killed the mink community in our town.

在动物世界,类似的疾病在水貂、骡鹿和麋鹿中也发生过。In the animal world, similar diseases occur in mink, mule deer, and elk.

本文对水貂病毒性肠炎诊断方法进行了阐述。The Diagnostic Methods of Mink Viral Enteritis is reviewed in this paper.

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公园是鸣禽,同样也是沼泽地的野兔,水貂,土狼和鹿的家园。The park is home to songbirds, as well as swamp rabbits, mink, coyotes, and deer.

本公司主要经营编织类产品,采用水貂为主原料。Our company mainly deals in the weaving products, adopt minks as main raw materials.

漂染包括水貂漂金、貉子漂金、漂白以及其他漂染产品。On Bleaching and dyeing, we can golden mink, bleach raccoon, and other kinds of products.

这些限制包括采用狗来捕猎野生动物,包括狐狸、鹿、野兔和水貂。The ban covers the hunting with dogs of all wild mammals, including fox, deer, hare and mink.

由于温度和湿度的不稳定性,水貂生皮的储存和运输常常充满挑战。Storage and transportation of raw mink skins can be challenging due to changes in temperature and humidity.

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在水貂卵母细胞中,脂滴的形成是卵母细胞生长开始的标志之一。In mink oocytes lipid droplet formation is one of the marks that indicates the beginning of growth of oocytes.

水貂、貂、黑足鼬和鸡貂是鼬的近亲,外貌和行为都很近似。Minks, martens, ferrets, and polecats are closely related to weasels and are similar in appearance and behavior.

虽然疾病对非阿留申系列的水貂一般不致死亡,但对皮张却有严重损害,由此造成的损失估计每年可达几百万美元。Although it does not generally become lethal to the non-Aleutian series, it can cause serious damage to the pelt.

水貂,白,黑。公母,激素的都成熟了有需求的请来连系本人,电话是13792902636。Mink, white, black. Male, the female hormones are mature demand please attached himself, telephone is 13792902636.

该机器是专门用于对水貂的针毛进行拔除的专用设备。主轴无级调速。This machine is specially designed for plucking guard hair of mink. The speed of the main shaft is infinitive variable.

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水貂阿留申疾病是目前全世界水貂饲养业中危害最严重的三大疫病之一。The Mink Aieutian disease is one of the three most dangerous diseases in the mink-raising industry throughout the world.

原料采用优质的兰狐、银狐、水貂、貉子、滩羊皮、獭兔皮、草兔皮等。The raw material adopts the sheep skin, rabbit skin, fox skin, the high-quality blue fox, silver fox, mink, raccoon and so on.

从绝望的城市到绝望的国家,你得靠水貂与麝鼠般的勇气来安慰自己。From the desperate city you go into the desperate country, and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats.