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塘坝子葛仙山碳酸盐岩外来体中各种岩溶形态十分丰富。Gexianshan carbonate allochthon is rich in various karst features.

村民们准备自筹资金修建塘坝。The villagers have decided to raise funds to build a small reservoir.

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因此,许多不好的塘坝变成了好塘坝。Consequently many defective embankments have been turned into good ones.

有了农会,可以不客气地发命令强迫地主修塘坝了。Now that there are peasant associations, the landlords can be bluntly ordered to repair the embankments.

有效灌溉面积、水库、塘坝、堤防长度数据由水利部门提供。The date of irrigated area, reservoirs, small reservoirs and length of dikes are provided by the water conservancy department.

论述了塘坝子等地的“飞来峰”是由汶川搬运到彭州等地来的巨型冰川漂砾。Klippen" at Tangbazi and so on in Pengzhou-Shifang section of the Longmen Mountains may be giant glacial boulders from Wenchuan."

渔塘坝北部出露的富硒碳质岩石,普遍地认为是渔塘坝硒的主要来源。The Se-rich carbonaceous rocks in the north of Yutangba is prevalently being recognized as the main source of selenium of Yutangba.

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以恩施渔塘坝堇叶碎米荠的株高和鲜重为基础材料,分析了堇叶碎米荠在不同时间和不同立地条件下的生长差异。The growth difference of the fresh weight and plant tall of Cardamine violifolia in different area of Yutangba of Enshi were analyzed.

在湖北省恩施市渔塘坝的富硒碳质硅质岩、碳质页岩及其废弃岩石堆中,作者首次发现了多种形态的自然硒。In the Yutangba of Enshi City, Hubei Province, China, we have discovered native selenium, which varies morphologically due to different mechanisms.

在湖北渔塘坝硒矿床氧化矿石及地表松散堆积物中存在大量罕见的次生自然硒。The secondary native selenium was discovered in the Yutangba Se deposit, western Hubei Province, China, which is one of rare selenides in the world.

小型水库或塘坝的输水洞多用直升式门,在运行过程中闸门板和止水材料沿闸槽滑动,摩擦损失大易漏水。Lifting door is traditionally utilized in small reservoir and water tunnel of dam. The friction spoilage of strobe and waterproofing material cause water leak.

自然硒在渔塘坝富硒碳质岩层及其附近的土壤、废弃“石煤”堆中广泛发育。In Yutangba, native Se extensively exists within Se-rich carbonaceous rocks, abandoned stone coal spoils and high-Se soils close to Se-rich carbonaceous strata.

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渔塘坝硒的分布除与富硒碳质岩石的出露特徵、地形特徵有关外,还与硒的迁移途径有关。The distribution of Se in Yutangba, apart from topographic and geological factors with regard to Se-rich rocks, is also related to pathways of Se transportation.

塘坝子-葛仙山景点,地处举世瞩目的龙门山推覆-滑覆构造带上,已成为拟建中的“龙门山地质公园”的重要组成部分。Tangbazi-Gexianshan scenic spots are located in the famous Longmenshan nappe structural zone and will be an important part of the projected Longmenshan Geological Park.