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人们齐心与法西斯主义作斗争。The people struggled together against fascism.

或者看看齐心村的孩子们。Or you can look at the children in Qixin village.

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团结是指齐心齐力,重视团队合作,以达永续经营。Team spirit- be whole-hearted, and emphasize team work.

此外在该广告节中囊括奖项的品牌还有齐心文具、本田、尼桑和佳能。Also at this Festival, it collected other wins for Comix, Honda, Nissan and Canon.

如果所有的电脑城商家能齐心携手,定能维护好的市场局面。If all the computer stores pull together, we can maintain a good market perspective surely.

但在最后关头,祁乐与励帧要齐心照顾伤者,而且救护用品不足。But at the last minute, QiLe and excitation frame work to take care of the wounded, and aid supplies.

在齐心村附近的城镇,可以见到销售闪闪发光的黄色摩托车的商店,3G和咖啡的广告海报。In the towns around Qixin you see stores with gleaming yellow motorbikes and adverts for 3G and coffee.

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我们若合力齐心,将对清洁能源技术起到巨大的推动作用。We agree that by combining the power of our economies, we can spur further development of clean energy technology.

众人拿住保罗同行的马其顿人,该犹,和亚里达古,齐心拥进戏园里去。The people seized Gaius and Aristarchus, Paul's traveling companions from Macedonia, and rushed as one man into the theater.

尸体地树木被砍失落啦,在齐心环被数地增加来理解老啦那棵树。The remains of the tree were cut down, and the concentric growth of the rings were counted to find out how old the tree was.

此时,在梅莱太太、露丝和心地善良的罗斯伯力先生齐心照料下,奥立弗的身体日趋康复。Meanwhile, Oliver gradually throve and prospered under the united care of Mrs. Maylie, Rose, and the kind-hearted Mr. Losberne.

想要了解贵州农村有多穷,看一看统计数据就知道了。或者看看齐心村的孩子们。To understand just how poor rural Guizhou is, you can look at the statistics. Or you can look at the children in Qixin village.

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潘美如智囊团是由两个或两个以上的人,以和谐的态度和主动积极的精神,为共同目标齐心努力的团体。A mastermind alliance it built of two or more minds working actively together in perfect harmony toward a common definite object.

齐心庄探槽位于1679年三河-平谷8级地震夏垫地表地震破裂带东段。The Qixinzhuang trenches are located at the eastern segment of the Xiadian ground fracture zone caused by the 1679 Sanhe-Pinggu M 8 earthquake.

东亚运动会给我们一个启发,就是只要勇于面对挑战、自强不息、团结齐心,传奇就能够创造。From the 2009 East Asian Games, we have understood that in the face of challenges, we can create a legend with concerted efforts and determination.

改变这个世界好像是一项艰臣的任务,但事实上,只要每个人都献出自己微小的贡献、齐心努力就能使这个世界变得更美好。Making a difference to the world may seem like an enormous task, but it is in fact the collective effort of everyone to make small contributions with a lot of heart.

惟有当牧师和信徒同心祷告,为福音齐心努力时,教会才会兴旺,信徒才会明白自己在神工场上佔有的地位。It is when ministers and people unite in a covenant of prayer and testimony that the Church will flourish, and that every believer will understand the part he has to take.

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特此,在群里做出以下规定,期望大家齐心把群的质量办上去,和群友们一起进步。Therefore, we like to establish some ground res in our group, and look forward to improve the quality of it, holding hands with our friends here and moving forward all together.

特此,在群里做出以下规定,期望大家齐心把群的质量办上去,和群友们一起进步。Therefore, we like to establish some ground rules in our group, and look forward to improve the quality of it, holding hands with our friends here and moving forward all together.

万众一心,合力打造山西龙城彩灯文化产业的顶尖品牌,以我们的艰辛努力与拼搏精神,齐心演绎一个又一个财富与事业的辉煌传奇!Unite as one, together create shanxi joie lights of cultural industrys top brand, by our strenuous efforts and fighting spirit, pulling deduce another wealth and brilliant future legend!