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货舱通风机能工作吗?Are hold ventilators operational?

窗上的通风机发出了耳语般轻微的嗡嗡声。The fan at the window made a small whispering roar.

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提供了一种确定低噪声离心通风机蜗壳结构的方法。A method to determine low noise fan volute structure is provided.

给出了利用该程序绘制的一种通风机的性能曲线实例。An example of fan performance curve drawn up by this program is given.

暖风机是由通风机,电动机及散热器组合而成的联合机组。Warm air blower fan, motor and by a combination of radiator joint unit.

通风机发明家的奇遇阻止了他冒险复仇.The ventilator inventor’s adventure prevented him from venturing revenge.

本文概述了新、老通风机风道接口的改造。This article outlines the alteration to new and old ventilator's air flue.

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通风机发觉家的奇遇阻挡了他冒险复仇。快速。The ventilator inventornos vair conditioning prevented him from venturing revenge.

介绍了一套应用于轴流式通风机叶片正问题和反问题的计算方法。Calculation method of positive and negtive problem for blade of axial fan is introduced.

介绍了用三次样条函数作通风机性能曲线拟合的方法。The method of using cubic spline function as fan characteristic curve fitting is introduced.

强调了矿用离心式通风机加装扩散器的重要性。It emphasizes the importance of installing prcper proliferater in mine-used centrifugal fans.

该系统实现了对煤矿主通风机各个环节白勺监控功能。The system realizes monitoring and control fuction of each link of coal mine main ventilator.

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对今后煤矿建设中大型通风机装置的设计提出了建议。Recommendations of design for large fan unit in coal mine construction from now on are raised.

通风机叶片在原始叶型选定后,叶片形状只能由叶型中线确定。Fan blade form is only determined by centerline of blade form after selecting original blade form.

集团核心业务以柴油机机体、柴油机、通风机机械零部件制造为主。Group core business to engine block, diesel engine, fan-based mechanical components manufacturing.

介绍了大同市马口煤矿对主要通风机进行节能的方式探讨和效果分析。The method and result of energy-saving reform of the main fan in Datong Makou mine are introduced.

应用系统控制理论,建立通风机房噪声控制模型。The noise-controlling model in the ventilation room is established using control theroy of system.

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矿井排放瓦斯有局部通风机排放瓦斯和全风压排放瓦斯两大类。Gas Exhaust from shaft has two main methods that depend on local fan or full air pressure seperately.

在试验基础上提出了多叶通风机变叶片安装角性能计算方法。The method of performance prediction for multi-vane centrifugal fan with variable blade angle is presented.

介绍了矿用对旋轴流式主通风机的在线监测和故障诊断系统。On-line monitoring and trouble diagnosis system of counter-rotating type of axial fan for mine is introduced.